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Winter has well and truly landed! The cold weather is upon us, Christmas is fast approaching and it is time to wrap up warm. There is no denying the fact that the best way to warm your home during the winter months is with a log fire.

Not only will this save you a substantial sum of money on your heating bills, but the heat is also a lot more enjoyable. If you use a log fire or this is something you are considering, you need to make sure you store your seasoned logs effectively. Failure to do this could result in the wood being difficult to light or the fire produced may not be as effective.

Thus, read on to discover some of the best tips for storing firewood…

5 simple tips for properly storing your firewood

First and foremost, it is highly advisable to store your firewood outside rather than indoors. Of course, if you have a studio rental, this is not going to be easy but it’s worth talking to the landlord to find out about any outside areas you could use. A lot of people make the mistake of storing logs in their garage. However, this can cause moisture to build up.

You need somewhere that is well ventilated. 

One great option is to get an old shed and remove the sides. You could always have a small basket indoors next to the fire, allowing you to take small batches of logs in at a time. When your logs are outside in the old shed or any other structure you are using you will need to ensure the main body is covered. You can buy covers from any basic DIY store or you may have something lying around the house you can use.

If you do not cover the structure holding the logs you will find yourself in big trouble once the rain falls. The wood will become filled with too much water, making them extremely difficult to light. Once you manage to get the wood lit it is highly unlikely that the fire will be effective. You will experience a small erratic flame with lots of smoke.

This is why you need to buy seasoned logs rather than fresh wood. 

You also need to stack your logs effectively. You should place them side-by-side and then on top of each other. Leave some space. Don’t feel the need to force as many in as neatly as possible. You need the air to circulate freely around the logs so that they are ventilated properly.

As mentioned earlier, it is always a good idea to store a few logs in your home in a small basket. Not only is this advisable for practical purposes, but also it ensures that your logs dry out before they are ready to use and thus you can be certain of the best possible results. 

It is vital to carefully consider the placement of the logs when storing them outside. Whereabouts are going to have the old shed or boxed structure that is going to be home of your firewood?

It is all about getting the right balance.

You don’t want the seasoned logs to be placed too far away from the entrance to your home, as you will get fed up with having to carry them all of the time. Nonetheless, it is unlikely that you will want them right next to the entrance of your home, as it may spoil the aesthetic appeal of your property. 

Another thing to take into account is the fact that you probably do not want to have the firewood against a wall of your property. This will increase the chances of creepy crawlies getting into your home, which nobody wants! Moreover, it is also dangerous to store the wood against your property, as you are increasing the risk of a fire.

It is also worth doing your research regarding the different safety distances for various fireplaces as well. Needless to say, these must be adhered to. Even outdoor wood sheds have their own fire safety requirements. Again these differ. It all depends on the distance between other buildings and the wood shed.

In addition to the points that have already been mentioned, not only do you need to think about where the firewood is going to be placed when it is stored outside. But you also need to consider the small amount of wood that is going to be stored inside. This must be far away from the fireplace so that it cannot combust.

You also need to make sure it is away from any other fire starting or easily combustible materials, such as pine cones, kindling and newspapers. No one wants to experience a house fire.

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of the best way to store seasoned logs.

As you can see, this is extremely important.

There are lots of things that can go wrong if you do not store your firewood properly. If you allow the logs to soak up too much moisture content you are effectively reversing the drying process and thus your logs will boast the same characteristics of freshly cut wood otherwise known as green logs. This type of wood should never be used to start fires. The water content is too high, making the logs difficult to light and unsafe. They produce an erratic and unpredictable type of fire with lots of smoke. 

In addition to this, you also have the safety concerns that are associated with firewood storage. If you do not use the tips that have been provided in this article you may increase the risk of a house fire. This is why you should make the effort to look for specific safety laws and guidelines online.

Make sure the wood is not stored next to any materials that combust easy and also do not place it on the side of your home. 

There are lots of great structures available when it comes to the storage of seasoned logs and thus this is something you need not worry about. We have already presented the great idea of using an old shed and removing the sides. You can even build a storage container yourself. You will find plenty of instructions online as well.

One of the best things about this option is the fact that you will be in control when it comes to design. This means that the box storing your logs is going to fit in with your home and your outside space, enhancing the aesthetic appeal rather than having a negative impact on it. 

All in all, the importance of storing your firewood correctly cannot be stressed enough. You now have all of the tips you need for proper and safe storage. However, if you have any questions do not be afraid to ask the provider of the seasoned logs.

This is why it is so pivotal to choose a supplier with care.

The last thing you want is to be sold freshly cut logs without realizing it. A quality supplier will ensure you get the best wood and that you are fully aware of how to store it. When they deliver the wood to your home you can always ask them to take a look around the exterior area and pick a spot that they deem the best for the storage of the logs. After all, it is better to be safe rather than sorry!

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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