Potty training is a huge milestone for any child. But I have a bit of a confession to make: even though I’m a mom of 3, I am a potty training novice. And I’ll be perfectly honest with you- I find the prospect of potty training my toddler to be a little bit intimidating.
Maybe I shouldn’t let it intimidate me so much and just get it over with.
But I’m at a loss for where to begin! With my oldest, I had a lot of help from my mom. Sweet B still isn’t fully potty trained. And now, there’s Squeaker. My rambunctious, curious, talkative, stubborn toddler. When it comes to potty training her, I have a feeling that the internet is going to be my BFF for information.
“This post and giveaway were made possible by iConnect and Pampers Easy Ups. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.”
Raising a child without special needs has proven to be one of the more challenging things I’ve done as a mom. Squeaker is full of personality and there are days that I wonder if she’s purposely testing my patience. Of course I know that she isn’t… but I still can’t help but feel that way.
One of the new challenges that she, Kyle, and I are taking on is potty training. For me this is unexplored territory and for Kyle, while he does have experience potty training boys; it’s his first experience potty training a toddler girl.
General Potty Training Tips for Toddlers
1) Get your child ready – explain to your child that it’s time to do “pee-pee” and “poo-poo” in the potty. Promote the benefits of being trained such as no more diaper rash, interruptions for diaper changing, being clean and dry. Discuss training as an important stage of growing up.
Getting them excited about potty training is also key.
2) Make it fun – first and foremost, make this a game. Children will naturally resist anything which is not framed as a fun learning experience. Use play, music, toys, and stories as part of the experience to keep the child from getting bored or distracted.
3) Create a ritual – try to make the experience repeatable so your child knows what to expect each time and gets into the routine of sitting and staying on the potty.
4) Use props – use of books, toys, videos and music all help create an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment which is so essential.
5) Time it right – Try repeating the process every hour for 2 to 4 minutes. If you can do this close to times your child usually has a bowel movement or urination, such as just after a meal, even better.
6) Be prepared – If you are traveling or away from home, bring a folding, plastic adapter ring that fits onto an adult toilet seat is useful. Extra tissue and wipes will be useful in bathrooms that are short on supplies.
7) Give praise – give you child social praise for sitting on the potty patiently or for staying dry. If the potty routine is successful, consider some reward (e.g. special prize, book or foods) that are especially valued.
8) Show your child how to clean up – demonstrate how to wash hands and dry hands on a towel.
Remember that training you child takes patience and perseverance. Staying on task and being consistent send an important message to your child. Above all, don’t let your child feel forced. It’s important to keep the whole experience fun and enjoyable for the best results.
One of the keys for Squeaker was to make this fun and exciting. We are so excited to have Pampers as our partner in this potty training journey!
This definitely got her into the experience! She’s excited to start using big girl underwear and new Pampers Easy Ups are the easiest way to underwear.
- They fit like underwear with a 360 degree stretchy waistband
- They feel like underwear with a cottony feel on the outside
- They look like underwear
- All while still have the protection of Pampers- including Extra Absorb Channels to keep your toddler dry during the day and night.
For more than 50 years, moms and dads have trusted Pampers. By visiting www.pampers.com you can learn more about Pampers products and join the Pampers Rewards program. You can also learn more about Pampers by visiting them on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Pampers is offering a coupon that you can print at home for $2 off 1 pack of new Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants. Help make the potty training process easier and more affordable with this high-value coupon. You can clip the Pampers Easy Ups coupon at: http://www.coupons.com/brands/
Potty Training Tips for Toddler Girls
It is important to note that some girls will take longer to potty train than others. While some girls may be able to start potty training by age 2, others will not be able to until age 3 or 4. It is important to not rush your child into potty training. When the time comes, they will be ready to potty train.
1. Lead by Example
Some girls learn to potty train quickly when they have the ability to see how it is done. Some parents will find that they need to lead by example. Your daughter will be able see how they should act when they use the rest room. If you are thinking about tips for potty training for girls and want to have a quick start, you may want to let your daughter watch a female in your family use the restroom.
A great way for her to learn this is to accompany you to the bathroom, when possible. And for some of us, your toddler may already be doing this. I mean, can you remember the last time you went to the bathroom without an audience?
You want her to be comfortable with the toilet and not be scared of using it. One of the best ways to do so is to allow her to flush every so often and listen to the water running while refilling the tank. Another simple training step is to permit the raising and lowering of the seat. Make certain the toilet is sanitized and be sure to wash your child’s hands after this training exercise.
2. Keep the Potty in the Bathroom
If you are working with a small training toilet, be sure to keep it in the bathroom. You want your child to learn that they need to get into the bathroom when they need to use the toilet. This will make the transition between small toilet and large toilet easier. When you are first starting out though, don’t be afraid to move your potty training toilet around.
3. Proper Wiping and Cleaning
It is important for you to teach your child how to wipe and clean herself from the very beginning. They need to learn to wipe from front to back, in order to avoid any bacterial issues. The earlier you teach this, the easier it will be for them to do this habitually.
4. Loose Fitting Clothes During Potty Training
As you and I well know that sometimes the need to use the potty can come on us quickly and with very little warning. Loose fitting clothing (or sometimes no clothing at all when at home) will be incredibly useful.
5. Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is a great tip for anyone who is potty training a girl (or boy for that matter).
You will want to make sure that your child feels as if they are doing something right when they use the toilet. Make a chart and allow them to mark off the days that they have not had an accident. After a certain amount of days, they receive something that they want. This is a simple and easy way to encourage your child to use the toilet and avoid accidents.
By using these potty training tips, during your daughter’s training, you will help to ensure that the process is as stress free for both of you.
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I’m so excited to read these tips and I’m pinning for later because it won’t be long and we’ll be headed down this new journey of potty training!!
I have started potty training for the first time and I haven’t wanted to pull my hair out yet. My best tip was letting my daughter pick out her own potty, she chose Minnie Mouse of course but I think it has helped keep her interest and eagerness to use it.
give a small treat or reward as an incentive and motivation
Look for signs of readiness and don’t rush them before they’re ready.
My top potty training tip is to use a rewards system.
My top potty training tip is to have a good reward system set in place. Pick something that would really excite your child to earn. My oldest grandson loved earning 1 M&M for each potty success. It kept him motivated!
My tip is lots of patience as there are going to be accidents. Try not to pressure the child.
My potty training tip is to use a potty seat on the floor so they are more comfortable going to the bathroom and have plenty of patience and give rewards for a good job done!
My tip is to be consistent. Don’t go back to diapers once you start using potty.
My tip is to be patient and use a reward system.
my tip is to be consistent
I have found using a reward system has always worked well.
My tip is to make sure your child is ready before pushing them to train.
use a small treat as an incentive and encouragement
My tip is to start training when you’re in a normal routine, not during a holiday or vacation.
Give a lot of rewards like stickers, treats or praise for going to the potty.
I’ve potty trained 4 kids and these tips are spot on!
Give them positive reinforcement.
My tip is to use rewards
Amen to loose fitting clothes and sometimes just undies. Your kids can’t avoid an accident with a long dress or overalls on, that;s for sure.
I put cheerios in the toilet for the boys to aim at to help them potty train.
Be positive and consistent.
My potty training tip is to make sure that child is ready and get a potty training chair and pull ups to help with the training!