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art for babies

For Mother’s Day this year, I wanted to do a few art projects with Squeaker. Naturally, I started with Pinterest and after oohing and aahing at the footprint and handprint crafts, I looked further. I wanted to do something with her that wouldn’t be too much of a mess, but also provide her with a fun sensory experience. I finally found something that was close to what I was looking for- mess free art for babies.

You will need:

A highchair (or flat surface, if baby is able to sit up. Or you could incorporate this into tummy time.)

A willing participant (Squeaker was 5 months)

Ziploc bags (we used gallon size)

Paint (we used tempera)

Paper (we used construction paper, though card stock could work very well too.)

Wipes (just in case)

First, here’s how I set things up (please excuse the clutter- we’re parents, not perfect.):


After putting Squeaker in her high chair, I got the first project ready.


Nothing fancy, just a few squirts of paint and then I put the construction paper into the bag. Her first project is pictured in the first picture of the post, this is her second. But her reaction to the two were the same. Exploration of the bag, then after some prompting and demonstrating, she smashed the paint a bit.


Since I didn’t know how patient she would be in the highchair, I didn’t want to press my luck with her art projects. Yes, we were both having fun and she posed for the camera, plus I got my Mother’s Day Art. But still. I knew not to push it too much with her. I didn’t want her to resent doing art projects, because then that just puts a serious dent in my plans for Tot School and Homeschool Preschool (and all of the other adorable hand/foot print art projects on Pinterest). Still, even after doing the two projects, she was still in a willing mood to participate in a footprint impression.


And below you can see the end result of the three projects. These will all go in her ‘art binder’, a large three ring binder filled with page protectors to hold her art work. That way, I have it all in one place and I can easily look back and find one that I’m looking for. Plus, I think it will be really nice to see how she progresses over the months and years.


We also ended up doing salt dough foot impressions (mine and hers together, and just one with hers) that turned out super cute (and of course, I can’t find the pictures for them). I like doing those types of crafts and art projects, because it’s hands on and it’s sensory. Though it was a little bit messier than I would have liked, it was still fun. I look forward to doing salt dough impressions and foot impressions with her as the years go by so I can document her growth.

What about you? Have you done art projects with babies or young children?

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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10 years ago

You’re so adventurous for doing artwork with an infant. I don’t think I’ve done that until my girls were over 15 months. We’ve done many projects since. Looks like you have a budding artist in your hands 🙂

Robin (Masshole Mommy)
Robin (Masshole Mommy)
10 years ago

That is awesome. I never did stuff like this when my boys were babies, but I wish I had.

Teresa McCluskey
Teresa McCluskey
10 years ago

oh art for babies! That is brilliant! I never thought of something like this!

10 years ago

What a neat idea! This would be perfect for a 5 month old niece!

10 years ago

That is adorable – I bet the grandparents would love to get those masterpieces!! 🙂

tara pittman
10 years ago

This is a cool project. My boys at this age would either took a bite into the bag or found a way to open the bag. I might try this now that my boys are 6 and 7.

Heidi Bee
10 years ago

How adorable is this! Great idea to make some fun art yet not messy, just love that

10 years ago

It’s always nice to introduce your children to the arts at a young age.

Frugal Mama & The Sprout (Sara)
10 years ago

Oh I wish I would have found something like this when my E was an infant! It would have been perfect for him as he hated to get his hands messy. I may still try it with him now, he’s 2.5, it could be a fun sensory project. Thanks for sharing!

Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith
10 years ago

This is a genius idea! Almost makes me wish my kids were tiny again so that they could do this.

Natalie Marie
10 years ago

Ohhhhh… I will DEF have to try this out. My four month old will be the next Picasso.

Melissa Matters
10 years ago

Fun! I have done this with my kids before, but I think it’s especially great for babies.

10 years ago

That is a very cute idea! I have a little one I could do that with now!

Tanya Coffman
10 years ago

What a clever idea! I wish I would have known about this MANY years ago! 😀

10 years ago

interesting project “) thank you for linking up with the #pinitparty

Lexie Lane
10 years ago

You know, colors and all of this can really help with their development. What a creative way to get their hand eye coordination going too! Very nice!

Cyndi @ MrsWrightWrites
10 years ago

Great idea! I love this! My baby will be one i a week, and she’d LOVE this!

katrina g
katrina g
10 years ago

i love this idea, very cool. I’ll be trying it very soon.

10 years ago

What a great idea, totally mess-free! I bet this would work for my infant and my toddler 🙂 Thanks for sharing this.

10 years ago

No! My little one is 15 months and would probably love this! I’m going to try it this weekend! Thanks for the idea!

10 years ago

Very nice. I do love the idea of the yours and babie’s too footprint. That’s cool even w/o a picture. 🙂

Adin Blankenship
10 years ago

Awe! What an adorable little one. 🙂 And what a fun art for the babies as well. 🙂 Quick and Easy to do.

Rose Powell
10 years ago

This is genius, mess free and a wonderful keepsake, I wish I would have thought of this when my little one was younger!!!

10 years ago

What a fun art idea to do with the little ones! I love that it’s not messy!

10 years ago

I guess anything that concerns babies are cute! So creative of you to come up with this.

10 years ago

Hi Kori, I never did artwork to save when my kids were busy. They did get a lot of hands on experience. I would let my middle child play on the kitchen floor and he would have fun taking the tupperware out and I gave him wooden spoons and metal measuring spoons. I did not do this with the oldest. The one who did this is a pretty good cook and looks forward to having his own kitchen. I have samples of their artwork as they were growing up. I changed over my blog and the link to my Bible… Read more »