“This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. All opinions are 100% mine.”
As parents we want to do all that we can to ensure that our children are safe and taken care of. Sometimes we may go a bit overboard in our efforts, but most of the time- we do mean well. But, we also know that we can’t protect them at all times for all situations; especially the little things that we might overlook. For example, one of the most important phone numbers that you could possibly know is the one for poison control. But do you know the number for poison control?
As your baby starts to move around the house, it is extremely important that you protect her from the poisons routinely kept in the home. Here are some tips to help keep your child safe.
Keep only the products you really use, so that there are fewer things to have to keep locked up.
Assemble all your cleaning supplies, and put them in locked cabinets. Don’t assume that putting them in a higher cabinet keeps your child safe. Sometimes babies seem to learn to climb overnight, so simply storing items on a higher shelf might not be enough.
Don’t store poisons in old food containers:
Your baby will learn early on to recognize things like a juice container or baby food jar so don’t use empty ones to store hazardous products.
Throw empty containers away outside:
Don’t put the empty bleach container in the kitchen trash can – rinse it and take it to the outside trash can immediately.
Check your plants:
There are many common houseplants that are poisonous, including philodendron, English ivy, holly, mistletoe, and hyacinths, so it’s best to remove these or keep them well out of reach.
Some things you might not think of as poisonous:
Your cosmetics, over the counter medicines, vitamins, and mothballs can all be poisonous, so keep these locked up or out of the way. Get used to reading labels, so that you can keep tabs on new things that come into the house.
If you’ve never had children before, keeping up with products that can be poisonous can be a challenge at first. But, take some time, preferably before the baby is born, to sort through your items and store them properly. Then, be diligent about buying the safest items you can. For instance, non-chlorine bleach is safer than chlorine. And, always look for child-proof caps on products you plan to buy. Learn to substitute. Did you know you can use olive oil to polish furniture and vinegar to clean your hardwood floors? These kinds of substitutions can make your home safer, and give you fewer items to look up. And, finally, don’t forget to post your local poison control phone number right by the phone. It could save your child’s life.
There are many different risks associated with poisoning. If you suspect your child ingested something poisonous, call the Poison Help line, 1-800-222-1222. Do not make them vomit; do not use ipecac or charcoal until you speak with someone at the Poison Help line or a medical professional. Call 911 if your child has any of following symptoms: seizures, not breathing, or unconscious.
This year, in collaboration with nonprofit partners like Safe Kids Worldwide, Nationwide Children’s Hospital and the American Red Cross, Make Safe Happen will focus on educating caregivers on four critical at-home safety risks. They are: furniture and TV tip-overs, poisoning, drowning and fire. These serious, complex and potentially fatal issues require greater attention and understanding, which is why Nationwide is working to empower and inspire one million safety actions by the end of the year.
So do you know that phone number for poison control? It’s 1-800-222-1222
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- Why You Need to Keep Up With Home Maintenance Tasks - February 5, 2025
This is actually such good info for parents and can save many unnecessary trips to the ER! As a nurse…I wish every family had this info. I have the number on my fridge!! 🙂