House and Home Care Tips for Fall

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Before we know it, the sweltering summer heat will give way to cooler temperatures. And for us in the New York that also means getting ready for apple picking and leaf peeping. But that’s not the only thing we do in fall.

We also try to get ready for the winter and that includes using some of these house and home care tips.

essential fall house and home care tips

Inside the Home

Everyone always does spring cleaning, but fall cleaning is just as important. It’s time to put away all of the outdoor sports gear and get ready for the cold weather and plenty of time sitting inside cuddling by the fireplace.

Getting your home clean and in tip-top shape before the cold really settles in will make you enjoy your living space that much more. Plus, it will make the major fall and winter holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) much easier to prepare for. No worries about a filthy dishwasher that guests will see if you have already given it a good scrubbing well beforehand.

So let’s get down to work – here’s what you need to clean up inside the home:

Start in the Kitchen

It’s the heart of the home. When you have guests over, everyone congregates in the kitchen. So you want it to be spotless and company ready.

* Start with the refrigerator. Give it a good scrubbing. Take out the drawers and wash them. Get the door gasket too; lots of stuff can accumulate there that you don’t even notice. Check those condiments while you have everything out to make sure nothing is past its date. You don’t want to inadvertently get someone sick with an expired food item in your fridge. Get out the vacuum and clean out the coils on the back and bottom of the refrigerator. This will keep the refrigerator running efficiently.

* Clean the stove. Give it a good thorough cleaning. Self-clean if you have that option on your stove. If not, then you’ll be doing it the old-fashioned way with EASY-OFF and some good ol’ elbow grease. Get the stove top and clean the drip pans real good. Also spend some time on the range hood. Get all of that grease cleaned up to prevent a fire. Pull the stove out and clean up those dust bunnies and the grime that accumulates on and behind the stove.

* Dishwasher – We know; it says wash right in the name, so why would you need to clean it? Well, think of all that food it has been cleaning off your plates. There is going to be particle build-up, so a little baking soda and a damp sponge will take care of that build-up and deodorize as well.

Clean and Organize the Garage

After spending all summer on the go, things have probably been getting dropped right in the garage. Plus, all of the summer toys are out and it’s time to put that stuff away and get the winter toys out.

You will want to get all of the items organized with your gardening tools in one area, toys in another (separated by season), and anything else you have been storing in the garage.

Utilize your wall space by putting up shelves or hooks to hang things on. Bikes can be put up off the ground. You will want to keep hazardous materials either locked up in a cabinet or up on a shelf so no children get into them.

Clean up all of those outdoor gardening tools before you store them. Get the lawn mower drained of gas and stored. Take the time to check on your snow blower and make sure it’s in good working order before the season starts. Take stock of what you have for winter.

Having a clean organized garage will make it safe and keep your items in good shape. Not to mention easy to find when you need them.

Keep Pollen and Bugs at Bay

Since we’re getting prepared to be closed up tight inside the house, this gives a lot of chance for pollen and bugs to collect. So now is the time to make sure everything is as clean as it can be.

* Bedding – Get all of the bedding washed in very hot water. This kills dust mites and other bugs that could be living in it. Keep washing the bedding throughout the season. This should be done once a week.

* Carpet – Shampoo the carpets and vacuum them real good. This is best done with a fresh vacuum bag in the vacuum.

* Drapes and blinds – Put drapes in the washing machine on a very hot water wash. Blinds can be wiped down with a mild soap and water.

* Heater – Change out the filter and get it serviced.

* Pets – Give your pets a bath to reduce allergens.

* Bathroom – Now is the time to get those surfaces that accumulate water clean. Sort out the shower and counters with a mold busting cleaner.

essential house and home care tips for fall

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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