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Organization has never been one of my strong points. I’m one of those people who is the queen of organized chaos. In fact? I often refer to my work area as an “organized mess.” I know where things are and that should be enough.. right? 

But, when it comes to the rest of the household and common living spaces, it’s really not fair to everyone else. 

And at first, I had thought this was just one of those things. I was always a slightly messy child, even if I can get super-organized in my head. Oh yes, in my brain, I can Marie Kondo with the best of them. But in reality? Not so much. 

Your journey to empowered living starts with the Neurodivergent Mom’s Self Discovery and Empowerment Toolkit

Clutter is a problem for me and I have always been a bit of a pack rat. 

But is it just an organization thing or was there something else going on? Self-test after self-test started to indicate that there was something else. And I began to think that maybe, just maybe, I could have adult ADHD. Things started to make sense and fall into place when I started looking for solutions that addressed ADHD specific issues. I had my ah-ha moments and now I want to share some of my best home organization tips for moms with you.

Organization Tips for Moms with ADHD to Help Yourself

First things first, we have to address the heart and center of the issue: you.

Yes, you.

I’m not going to tell you that you have a problem because honestly? It’s not that simple. What’s going on here is understanding how our own brains are wired differently. Just as the child with autism or ADHD struggles with executive functioning? So does an adult.

Your journey to empowered living starts with the Neurodivergent Mom’s Self Discovery and Empowerment Toolkit

So how can we, as adults, best help ourselves so we are ultimately helping our families?

  • Capture your information- send yourself a voicemail, take screenshots or pictures, text yourself information, use a notebook
  • Aim to finish at least one thing (doesn’t matter how small) early on in your day. This small success is really a big win in the long run because this sense of accomplishment lends itself to everything else.
  • Hold on to something – quite literally. Hold on to a toy, a stress ball, an energy crystal. 
  • Write it down (multiple times) on a calendar. I have a wall calendar, two planners, and my Google calendar. Think I don’t know about the power of writing it down?
  • Just do it – I get so stuck in the trap of starting things that I never just do them. Sometimes that is the biggest struggle.
  • Try a change of scenery — sometimes that’s all we need!
  • Get help – as needed and as you’re comfortable. Yes, I know — delegating to someone else can be difficult but it can also be freeing.
  • Try to change up your routine as you need to
  • Deadlines are not always your friend- use them when and if necessary. Deadlines can be stressful for me (as can an hourly schedule) so I tend not to use them.
  • Keep your internal distractions to a minimum- easier said than done, I know. My worst enemy? It’s myself.

Organization Tips for Moms with ADHD to Help Your Family

Now that we’ve addressed some of our own issues and struggles when it comes to organization and keeping the house tidy; let’s talk about how you can also help your family.

Your kiddos, especially those with additional executive functioning struggles, aren’t purposely trying to give you a hard time. It’s just how their brains are wired. 

Establish a few rules and it just might go a long way.

Hang it up

If you don’t already have a coat rack or coat hanger in your house? Get one set up. It can also be a system that you use in your child’s bedroom. 

Throw it away

Just as you implement rules for yourself when it comes to throwing things away, enforce the same rules with your child. 

  • Does the room have a wastebasket?
  • Is the wastebasket big enough?
  • Is the wastebasket in plain view?

Once you have established that, it’s just a matter of reminding your child to use said wastebasket.

Pick it up

If it’s been awhile since you’ve last seen the floor of your child’s bedroom, you probably aren’t alone. I remember, quite vividly, when I was younger and my mom would enter my room with a big trash bag. Anything that I didn’t clean up or find a spot for? It went into that bag. I never knew if she was going to throw my stuff away or if I would get the chance to get it back.

So, needless to say, I cleaned. 

Put it away

Just as you want your child to hang something up or pick something up, you also want them to put stuff away. I’m not just talking about stashing their stuff, I mean putting it back where it’s supposed to be. Whether that’s on their desk, in their closet, or on a shelf; everything should have a place. 

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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