The winter is looming just around the corner, and while Fall has only just begun, you can smell the wintry air ahead. Now is the perfect time to start thinking about getting your garden ready for winter. Depending on your location, you may find that your plants are already giving you the signs that they are ready to be cut, as their leaves and petals begin to fall.
When the autumn nights start to get cooler, it’s time to winterize. Not only does this process make your garden look much better in the winter months, but it means when spring rolls around again, you will have an easier time of looking after your garden. You need to consider getting the shed ready and checking for pests, looking at professional wasp nest removal and pressure washing your patio as standard.
The rest?
The rest is down to your green thumb! If you start closing your garden down now, protecting the less hardy plants from the cold, you’re going to have a ready garden for the time the temperature starts to go up again. Let’s take a look at four ways that you can get your garden winter-ready and Spring prepared!
4 Easy Ways to Prep Your Garden for Winter
- Evaluate
Before you can do anything with your garden, think about how it panned out for you this year. We’re almost into the end of 2019, so how has the first nine months worked out for you? What worked in your garden and what failed? You need to understand this bit so that you can decide whether to remove anything that you planted earlier in the year, and re-evaluate whether you need to change out your plant plan for you garden.
Is your garden currently lacking in Fall flowers? Then perhaps you can plant them now and use the winter to build up a root system for them.
- The Big Garden Clean Up
It’s the bit no one enjoys doing! The garden needs to be cleared up so that you have a tidy space before the rains and snow come. Start the clean up by removing the weeds from the flower beds and outside the beds of the garden. You don’t need to prune shrubbery, just clear the dead leaves from them. Fall can stimulate new growth which will lead to your plants being ruined if you prune them.
- Store The Tools & Furniture
Outdoor furniture needs to be thoroughly cleaned, dried and covered before being stored in the shed or the garage. Clean and sharpen your tools and use oil for those that need it. Then, store them in the shed or garage for the remainder of the winter months. If you do this, you should have good-as-new tools come spring. Do the same with hoses; emptying and storing them coiled to avoid them freezing and cracking.
- Cut Back The Lawn
Your grassy area of your garden needs to be looked after. Using the mower and trimming edges is a smart decision, as you’ll be able to look forward to clear, tidy grass when you start to use your garden again. When you cut back on the lawn, you are giving it room to breathe for the winter.
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