Beatitudes for Kids flashcards image

Teaching the Beatitudes to Children with Flashcards

Should you teach the Beatitudes to children? Are they really old enough to understand? Absolutely yes. I feel that the Beatitudes are important to learn at any age. Here’s how to use free printable Beatitudes flashcards with children. You can also use these flashcards as lunch notes for gentle reminders to your children to always embrace these traits. The Beatitudes are a group of verses from the New Testament and are a part of the Sermon on the Mount. Found in the gospel of Matthew, the Beatitudes are 8 verses of blessedness spoken from Jesus. Many desire these as character traits. I have shared a free printable Beatitudes pack for kids and I am also working on a Beatitudes coloring book and a few other things. Today,…

Free Printable Beatitude Coloring Page for Adults

Free Printable Beatitude Coloring Page for Adults

Though I have never sought out to make this an overly Christian site, I’m sure you’ve seen the Christian undertones. I have a page dedicated to Christian and Bible based printable packs for kids. I’ve done a set of printable Beatitude wall art. And I’m working with someone to create a special needs Sunday school curriculum. I’m also working on a home based Sunday school curriculum for toddlers and preschoolers. More on that to come! Still, even with all of this in the works, I want to be able to freely share my faith. But to still be welcoming of others. With that in mind, I bring to you a free printable Beatitude coloring page for adults. I will eventually have a full set of…

Valentine’s Day Themed Prewriting Practice Sheets

Valentine’s Day Themed Prewriting Practice Sheets

We are so excited to be participating in the Virtual Book Club for Kids again! Hopefully now on a more permanent basis. I had all good intent of joining in again sooner but life and all of that. So, here we go! For this week’s theme, I made a Valentine’s Day themed prewriting practice sheet. And while my toddler uses it for preschool readiness skills, you could also use these for kids with special needs. This post contains affiliate links and while you are under no obligation to use them, by purchasing something through my affiliate link you are supporting this site, thanks! The book for this week is: The Day it Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond. I’m not really sure if this caught her…

Prewriting Practice Sheets for Toddlers for MLK Jr. Day

Prewriting Practice Sheets for Toddlers for MLK Jr. Day

I’m hoping that next year I’ll be more organized for MLK Jr. Day. I think it’s an important holiday to honor in terms of history so maybe that’s why I haven’t put too much emphasis on it. However, I also think it’s important for teaching diversity. So maybe we’ll do a little bit more next year. This year though, I made some quick prewriting practice sheets for Squeaker. It’s something that she’s been showing interest in as of late. And while I don’t want worksheets to be the basis of our tot school, it does help.   Some days she really wants to do these and other days she’s more interested in playing. I’m perfectly fine with that and would prefer to keep this as…

Christmas Themed Prewriting and Letter Hunt for Toddlers

Christmas Themed Prewriting and Letter Hunt for Toddlers

We are getting really excited about Christmas! Squeaker turned 3 on December 5th but we’ve been in Christmas mode for awhile now. This is the first year that she’s really starting to understand what’s going on. We are using this time to learn more about Jesus Christ as well as Santa Claus. Sometimes I do have to wonder how much of this really sticks with her but she surprises me daily! We’re also using this time of the year to work on preschool readiness skills. We work on this all year round of course, but I love making holiday themed worksheets for her as well. Let’s get to that printable set! Christmas Prewriting and Letter Recognition Sheets for Toddlers We still haven’t settled into a…

Apples Tot School Unit featuring Apples, Apples Tot Pack

Apples Tot School Unit featuring Apples, Apples Tot Pack

Fall is one of my favorite seasons for several reasons. One being all of the pumpkin flavored everything and another being the changing leaves. Another reason I love Fall has to do with living in Albany. We’re close to several apple orchards and love taking the time to visit them to go pick apples. And whether it’s for eating them right away or for baking, we always have apples on hand. This year, I wanted to expand a little bit on that by creating a apple themed tot school unit for Squeaker. The unit is really a mini-unit and the activities can be spread out over a few days or done in one day. In addition to the activities in the tot pack, I would…