Avoiding Seasonal Depression When You Work From Home

Working from home has many advantages. It can offer fantastic flexibility and an excellent chance to create the perfect work-life balance. Working from home can give you the opportunity to launch your own business or otherwise earn money doing something that you love. For many, working from home is a lifeline. A chance for a better quality of life and a brilliant way to make money with no ceiling or discrimination.  But it’s not all great. Many people that work from home find that their mental health suffers. Some people get terribly lonely, especially those that are used to working with a lot of people, or with the public, face to face. Some actually find it harder to achieve a work-life balance, finding that while…

Ways To Keep Your Brain Active When Working From Home

Working from home is great for those who aren’t suited to a 9-5 job. You get to choose your own hours, and because you’re your own boss, you have complete control over how you work. Although sometimes, procrastination can slip in and you may find your brain turning to mush. So here are some ways to keep your brain active when working from home. Image Source Do Something To Distract You From Work There will come a point during the day, where you lose your focus. It happens to all of us, and that’s totally fine! You just need to be able to get back onto the motivational horse, and the best way to do that is by doing something completely different from work to…

A “Typical” Day in the Life of a Work at Home Mom

A “Typical” Day in the Life of a Work at Home Mom

Making the transition from being a stay at home mom to being a work at home mom hasn’t always been easy. From time to time, the question still comes up: What does a stay at home mom do? What is her value, what is her worth? When people ask me what I do for a living, my response is usually two-fold. I’m a stay at home mom and I blog. I’m not always great at either of these things but so far, it seems to be panning out well. Sure, I’ve still encountered my fair share of failures as a stay at home mom and I may not be a six figure blogger (yet)… but I make do. And yet, I still get the questions: so…

The Benefits of Umbrella Companies for Freelancers and Contractors

The Benefits of Umbrella Companies for Freelancers and Contractors

If you are a contractor or a freelancer, one of the most important decisions you will need to make is whether to use the services of an umbrella company. This type of company will essentially employ you. As a result, they will handle all of your taxes, paperwork and alike. All you need to do is submit a timesheet and wait for the money to appear in your bank. There are lots of umbrella companies for you to take advantage of. But, is this a route you should go down, or should you handle everything yourself? Read on to discover all of the benefits associated with using an umbrella company for contractors. https://pixabay.com/photos/writing-write-person-paperwork-828911/ Top Benefits of Using an Umbrella Company for Freelancers and Contractors First…

Jobs For Moms That Give You Flexibility

When you’re a parent – particularly when you’re a Mom – you have to be able to be extremely flexible. You could be sitting at work one minute, and the next you’re rushing to the school, as your son or daughter feels ill. Then, you’ve got to pick your youngest child up from nursery, and just generally be there to make sure that everybody is OK. Whilst this is pretty much what you would expect from becoming a Mother, it makes working so hard. However, there are some jobs that you could do, that give you more flexibility. Image credit Freelance writing If you want to be able to fit your job around your busy life, then freelance writing could be for you. If you’ve…

The Pros and Cons of Network Marketing for Stay at Home Moms

The Pros and Cons of Network Marketing for Stay at Home Moms

Are you a stay at home mom of special needs kids? I’d imagine that’s one of the reasons you’re here. As a work at home and homeschooling mom, I was on a quest once to find a business that could grow with my time and work around my family. In that quest, looked into several network marketing options. And because of that, I was able to come up with quite a few pros and cons of network marketing.  Why should you consider network marketing from home? When I first started looking at my options, I knew that I wanted to be able to create a work schedule that revolves around my life. I wanted the freedom to work from virtually anywhere. And I want to contribute…