5 Essential Steps to Starting a Home Business

5 Essential Steps to Starting a Home Business

Since making the decision to stay at home, I also started to think about options for making money at home. It’s not that I don’t enjoy working outside of the home- I did. I enjoyed working in retail. There’s a psychology involved in it that appealed to me. But, the benefits of staying at home outweighed the costs of working outside of the home. At least for us. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to contribute to the household income in some way. Granted yes, I am starting to make some money with this blog. And eventually, who knows, this may bring in a decent full time income. I also have other things in mind when it comes to working at home; which…

Printable Blog Goal Worksheets

Printable Blog Goal Worksheets

I’m a very goal oriented person. It helps me to put things in perspective and gives me a more clear path as to how to achieve what I want. Sometimes I set small goals, sometimes it’s big goals. And sometimes it’s small goals that lead towards a bigger goal. Whatever the case may be, I’ve found that setting goals helps me out and keeps me on track. This applies to many aspects of my life- be it household, money, or blogging. For example, one of my goals for next year is to earn a steady part time income from blogging. Right now it’s touch and go and I’d love to see that become stable. I have a plan, almost in place, for reaching that goal….

Is Chocolate the New Superfood?

Is Chocolate the New Superfood?

We always hear about how junk food is bad for you- and for the most part, we know why. After all, the name “junk” is right there front and center so there’s no way that anything labeled as junk food could possibly be good for you, right? Well, for the most part yes, I think that is true. And in my own personal quest for a healthier lifestyle, cutting down on junk food has been one of the biggest lifestyle changes that I’ve made. Has it been challenging? Sometimes yes. Especially when I need a quick snack. However, during my numerous Google searches (and sometimes late at night when the last thing I should be doing is snacking), I’ve come across a few articles on…

Top Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Top Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Did you know that the average American will gain seven pounds during the holiday season? Sometimes it may feel like more, especially when we’re going to party after party or family event after family event. And let’s not discount all of those yummy goodies that we make for family members and loved ones. Or the occasional treats we have when we’re out shopping or admiring festive holiday displays. Yes, this time of the year can be dangerous for dieters or for those of us who are trying to be mindful of our weight. But how can we avoid that weight gain or at least keep it to a minimum? Here are my top tips to avoid holiday weight gain. The time from Thanksgiving to New…

Healthier Alternatives for White Flour

Do you enjoy baking? It’s one of my favorite things to do, either for my family, for loved ones, friends, or for myself. I find it to be calming and I do enjoy baking from scratch whenever I can. Of course, I’m not above using a few shortcuts here and there but I also know that baking from scratch gives me more control over the ingredients. Recently, I’ve started looking into healthier alternatives for white flour for when I bake. Partially because we’re still looking into making some gluten free friendly changes to our overall diet and partially because it’s part of our overall steps towards a healthier lifestyle. I’ll also be the first to admit, one of the biggest obstacles that we continually face…

Why Bloggers Need Bloggers

With these baby steps to blogging posts being so sporadic, I want to try setting up a more predictable schedule for when they’ll get posted. I do plan on going back to the How to Make Money Blogging mini-series, but for right now; I want to touch on something that I feel is equally important. Actually, if I’m going to be honest, I think that this is even more important than monetizing. It’s about bloggers supporting bloggers because I fully believe that bloggers need bloggers. As a blogger, I think community and networking are a huge part of what I do. I belong to various blog support groups on Facebook and to numerous blog networks. But why? Could I succeed on my own? Possibly, but…