Adventures in the Bible for Toddlers

I wanted to start early with Squeaker when it came to teaching her about God and God’s word. I read Bible verses to her while I was still pregnant and she enjoys hearing Jesus Loves Me as one of her nighttime songs. I also knew that it would eventually come time to start getting a Bible that was appropriate for her. And though I do have a book of Bible stories, I was lacking any sort of Bible that was more kid-friendly (something that I hope to remedy soon). So, I thought why not start adventures in the Bible? I felt that was something that we could grow with and I also feel that reading is an every day adventure within itself. The Adventure Bible…

Joyful in Hope

I mentioned in the post, Favorite Verses, that my favorite verse in the Bible is Romans 12:12; and in particular from the NIV translation: Be Joyful in Hope, Patient in Affliction, and Faithful in Prayer. I feel that, in life, this verse has been especially applicable and has gotten me through some very tough times. To me, this verse means celebrating the small things in life, to trust in God, and to never stop speaking to God. I have certainly been guilty of not fully trusting in God and of ceasing speaking to God. But, since the birth of my first child, I’ve learned to appreciate everything in life- no matter how small. I’ve wanted to make it a point to be as transparent as…

P is for Pumpkin Printable Pack

P is for Pumpkin I want to share my very first printable pack with you today! It’s six simple pages of Pumpkin related fun and simply called: P is for Pumpkin. Activities include: P is for pumpkin copywork, a simple maze, counting pumpkins, color mixing, and draw your own pumpkin. I may or may not have one for Halloween or based around a harvest theme, I haven’t decided just yet. With that being said, the next plan for a simple printable pack will be for Thanksgiving, unless I come up with something before then. If you do end up using any pages from the pack, I would love to see what you do with them! I would recommend laminating and/or printing on cardstock for durability….

The New American Dream

This post is part of the New American Dream Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with hundreds of inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us, Click Here Growing up I had apple pie in the sky kind of dreams- a mansion, with a wildly successful career, family, and all of my dream cars. A big, fancy American dream. Now, as an adult, I still have dreams of the future- just a little more realistic and down to earth. A new American dream. As Kyle has said: “I’d rather live paycheck to paycheck and not be in debt, than live a life of dreams and owe the world,”. But why can’t both be possible? To me, being successful means…

Always Be Yourself

Always Be Yourself In blogging, and most importantly, in life- always be yourself; even if that means standing alone. At least you’ll know, at the end of the day, that you stood true to your own convictions and that is something to be proud of. This is something that I want to instill in my children- particularly my girls, and especially with my youngest. That’s not to slight my B, but because of her autism, I’m not sure if she would understand the concept… or if she really cares. If anyone, she’s a shining example of what it means to always be yourself. She faces each day with a fresh outlook, stimming in whatever way suits her for that moment, not caring if people are…

Back to School Art Project for Babies

It’s been a full week since everyone has gone back to school here in New York; both of my kids and myself. I’m attending Mercy College and all of my classes will be online. To celebrate this occasion, I wanted to do another art project with Squeaker focusing on the general theme of back to school. Naturally, my first inclination was to do something with apples… and that lead to all kinds of searches through Pinterest boards for Fall projects. Eventually, I settled on something with trees. I think that this something that I can continue to do with her every year, and another less messy art project. This post makes use of affiliate links at no additional cost to you. By making a purchase…