Common Signs of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Common Signs of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

In the past, I have tried to be fairly open about living with major depression. If you’ve been here before, you’ll know that it’s something I was diagnosed with at the age of 14. I also have (undiagnosed) anxiety and hypervigilance (which mimics PTSD). I have anger issues. I’m a recovering perfectionist. I had mild postpartum depression- twice. Can you relate? Even if you can’t relate to all of it, maybe there’s something we have in common. For example, postpartum depression. It occurs far more commonly than society seems willing to acknowledge. And though it was touched on in the past, today I want to talk about common signs of postpartum depression and anxiety. When does Postpartum Depression Happen? Though the term postpartum generally refers…

Three Self-Care Tips to Help You Thrive in Winter

In the height of summer, it’s hard to imagine what winter will be like, but when your mood is high and life is good, you’re better equipped to prepare yourself for the tougher months to come. Whether it’s starting a journal or taking up yoga, it’s a good idea to put in the effort to invest in self-care habits when you’re feeling good. That way you’ll be feeling the benefits later in the year when you’re experiencing an energy dip. These tips will help you implement healthy self-care practices to keep you going through the long cold winter. Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels 3 Simple Self Care Tips for Winter Make Your Home Cozy Many people don’t think to adjust the interior of their…

10 Healthy Eating Habits to Start Today

10 Healthy Eating Habits to Start Today

Children learn best by example, right? But sometimes we might question how much they’re really soaking up. Sure, we can tell them things or explain things to them; but the lesson will stick better when we show them. This applies to so many areas of life, including our habits.  We all have our good and bad habits, I know I have my fair share of bad habits in addition to the good ones. Though I’d like to think that the good outweighs the bad. It is up to us to choose whether or not we want healthy eating habits incorporated to our daily lives. Here are 10 healthy eating habits to start today. Maybe you’re already doing some of them or all of them and…

Toddlers and Tooth Decay Tips and Advice

As parents, we have an instinctive concern for our children, and if anyone is at risk of tooth decay, a toddler would be at the top of the list. One must be very careful about the amount of sugar a young child consumes, as a sugary diet is the main cause of tooth decay, and with that in mind, here are a few things you can do to prevent the onset of tooth decay. Regular Dental Examinations – This is important for everyone, especially toddlers, and should your dentist notice crooked teeth coming through, a corrective device like Invisalign will help the teeth to straighten. The first few years of a child’s life are critical regarding teeth, and if decay is noticed, the dentist would…

Stay On Top Of Allergies In The Home With These Tips

Allergies are one of those things that can not only be incredibly dangerous but can make day to day living very miserable. The source can sometimes be obvious: pets and cleaning chemicals, as well as seasonal triggers such as pollen,  are the most common ones, but sometimes, there is something that you just can’t quite put your finger on. Everyone is sniffling and sneezing, and your supply of tissues is diminishing at an alarming rate. When everyone is feeling miserable and stuffed up, you need to find a way to eliminate, or at the very least minimize the allergens in the home, and in this post, we look at a few ways.  Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash 4 Tips to Stay on Top of…

How to Stop and Overcome Emotional Eating

How to Stop and Overcome Emotional Eating

Everyone knows that we need to eat to survive. It’s just a fact of life. Just as we need oxygen and water, we also need food. Some of us may consume more than others for a variety of reasons- and that’s okay. When we’re eating sensibly and being mindful about what we consume, we’re on the right path. But, when we use food as a coping mechanism; that’s where we might run into problems. Eating as a method of dealing with stress can be incredibly unhealthy and may lead to additional health related problems. Today, I want to talk about how to overcome emotional eating because we, as women, do tend to deal with this issue more often than our male counterparts.   What causes…