Did I really fail as a mom?

Did I really fail as a mom?

I failed as a mom Failure in life is inevitable it seems. But without failure, there would be no success. I would argue, in fact, that in order to succeed and move forward; sometimes you have to fail. Coming to terms with the fact that you’ve failed is not always easy and I am one of those people who hate to admit that they’ve failed. Perhaps that’s why the realization hit me so hard during a conversation that I had with Kyle on Christmas of 2015. This conversation started so simply as I was discussing my plans for the next three years in terms of working at home. It was during a more heated part of the conversation that I realized that I was failing…

3 Realistic Ways For Busy Moms To Use a To-Do List

3 Realistic Ways For Busy Moms To Use a To-Do List

As a mom of young kids, it is sometimes literally impossible to keep up with all the things I need to get done. Doctors appointments, paying bills on time, keeping the house clean…that’s just a few of the things that I ALWAYS have on my mind. So when you have all of that swirling around, it can get a bit chaotic. BUT when you use a To Do list – your life will change. Get ready! What happens when you make a to do list What’s the answer to complete mommy overwhelm? A simple To Do List. A REALISTIC To Do List. That means it is a bare-bones list of all the things you need to do. Don’t over-complicate things here. It’s really just a…

5 Essential Steps to Starting a Home Business

5 Essential Steps to Starting a Home Business

Since making the decision to stay at home, I also started to think about options for making money at home. It’s not that I don’t enjoy working outside of the home- I did. I enjoyed working in retail. There’s a psychology involved in it that appealed to me. But, the benefits of staying at home outweighed the costs of working outside of the home. At least for us. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to contribute to the household income in some way. Granted yes, I am starting to make some money with this blog. And eventually, who knows, this may bring in a decent full time income. I also have other things in mind when it comes to working at home; which…