How to Effectively Use Time Blocking as a Stay at Home Mom (or Work at Home Mom)

How to Effectively Use Time Blocking as a Stay at Home Mom (or Work at Home Mom)

I have struggled, almost my entire life, with time management. I am a proacstiplanner (procrastinating with planning) at heart and I have a terrible time focusing. Sometimes I’ve wondered if there was something else at work because when I do focus? I hyperfocus. I am so narrowed in on something and I feel like I can accomplish everything. As an autistic mom with a neurodivergent family, and as a work at home mom? My attention is pulled in so many different directions at any given time. So if my time isn’t being managed properly, I will get to the brink of stress and burnout. If time management is one of those things that you struggle with as a stay at home or work at home…

When you are mindful about your time, you become more aware of how you're using your time. Seems simple enough, right? Here are 7 tips for how to be mindful about time management.

Mindful Time Management Tips for Moms

As much as we would like to have more, there are only 24 hours in every day. And let’s face it, it’s actually less than that for the average human being since we do have to factor in things like sleep. But, by being mindful about how we use our time, we can make the most of our time and be more intentional with how we use our time. Today I’m sharing mindful time management tips for moms to help you make the most of your time. We’ve already discussed simple time management tips and creating a time management plan, so now let’s be mindful about how we use the time that we have. Why use mindfulness with time management? With mindfulness, you can take control…

Eight Simple Time Management Tips for Moms to Increase Productivity

Eight Simple Time Management Tips for Moms to Increase Productivity

Now, you may be wondering why I started including time management tips for moms in a section that’s supposed to be about Homemaking. But, I’ll explain. For me, time management is crucial to homemaking. I need to balance my hours properly so I’m getting everything done during the day. Between blogging, chasing after a toddler, and homemaking- there’s not enough hours in the day! Or so it would seem. Today, I want to share simple time management tips for moms to make the most of the time you have. 8 Simple Time Management Tips for Moms * Set Priorities – There are really only four choices: 1. Most important 2. Most urgent 3. Least important 4. Least urgent When you identify tasks and set your priorities…

A “Typical” Day in the Life of a Work at Home Mom

A “Typical” Day in the Life of a Work at Home Mom

Making the transition from being a stay at home mom to being a work at home mom hasn’t always been easy. From time to time, the question still comes up: What does a stay at home mom do? What is her value, what is her worth? When people ask me what I do for a living, my response is usually two-fold. I’m a stay at home mom and I blog. I’m not always great at either of these things but so far, it seems to be panning out well. Sure, I’ve still encountered my fair share of failures as a stay at home mom and I may not be a six figure blogger (yet)… but I make do. And yet, I still get the questions: so…

How to Create a Time Management Plan for a Stay at Home Mom

How to Create a Time Management Plan for a Stay at Home Mom

Let me ask you a question: how is your time management? Are you good with utilizing the hours that you have in the day or do you find yourself pushing things over to the next day or letting them go all together? I’ll be honest- my time management skills could use some work. I especially struggled after starting a blog- to the point where I felt like a failure as a stay at home mom. Learning to balance running a business at home, homeschooling, and being a stay at home mom wasn’t easy. Working at home was a goal for me, but I also knew that if I wanted to work at home and be a stay at home mom; I needed to create an…

Morning Essentials for a Productive Blogging Day

Morning Essentials for a Productive Blogging Day

The post is brought to you by Activate by Bloglovin and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. Powered By: Are you a morning person? And for that matter, what type of morning person are you? Are you ready to take on the day or could you use an extra hour or two to find your capability to function? I’ve never been a true morning person. Sure, I can get up early when I need to but the thought of sleeping in never seems to register with my body on the weekends. Still, I try to make the most of it and go about what I need to do to get myself and my kids ready for the day. And for me that means having…