Common Signs of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Common Signs of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

In the past, I have tried to be fairly open about living with major depression. If you’ve been here before, you’ll know that it’s something I was diagnosed with at the age of 14. I also have (undiagnosed) anxiety and hypervigilance (which mimics PTSD). I have anger issues. I’m a recovering perfectionist. I had mild postpartum depression- twice. Can you relate? Even if you can’t relate to all of it, maybe there’s something we have in common. For example, postpartum depression. It occurs far more commonly than society seems willing to acknowledge. And though it was touched on in the past, today I want to talk about common signs of postpartum depression and anxiety. When does Postpartum Depression Happen? Though the term postpartum generally refers…

My Top Eleven Tips for Surviving a Pregnancy During the Summer

My Top Eleven Tips for Surviving a Pregnancy During the Summer

Looking for a summer pregnancy survival guide? Sweet B was born in July, so I wasn’t pregnant for too long with her during the summer. Squeaker, on the other hand, was born in December. So I went through two full seasons being pregnant. There are definitely somethings that I miss about pregnancy and somethings that I don’t miss. Being pregnant during the summer was not always fun so I wanted to share my tips on motherhood for surviving a summer pregnancy. Some might seem pretty practical and general for getting through the summer. And if you’re looking for more pregnancy tips, don’t forget to check out my Motherhood Resources and Inspiration. My Top 11 Summer Pregnancy Survival Tips 1. My very first, and most important…

17 Tips for What to Do In Your Second Trimester of Pregnancy

17 Tips for What to Do In Your Second Trimester of Pregnancy

As I continue to expand my pregnancy advice and tips, I wanted to talk about the second trimester. Each trimester provides it’s own set of challenges and exciting moments. The first trimester is when nerves are abound. The third trimester may seem like a waiting game. So what about the second trimester? Here are 17 tips for what to do in your second trimester of pregnancy. The second trimester in your pregnancy is often thought of as the most exciting and best months. You are well past the morning sickness, you have more energy, you aren’t carting around another 20 pounds yet and you have a radiant energy that is apparent to anyone who looks at you. Your emotions are under better control and all…

5 Simple Ways Pregnant Women Can Stay Hydrated

5 Simple Ways Pregnant Women Can Stay Hydrated

If you’ve checked out my pregnancy advice and tips, then you’ll know that I’ve touched on summer pregnancy survival tips in the past. And even though this post says that it’s for pregnant women, these tips can really be used by anyone. Staying hydrated during the summer is important. Did you know that when you’re dehydrated, your heart works harder? We, as humans, can go longer without food than we can without water. And no, that is not a challenge. Stay hydrated, no matter what time of the year. And if you’re having difficulty with that, check out these 5 simple ways pregnant women can stay hydrated. When we are laughing and playing in the sun we don’t think of much else. But, even if…

Along with pregnancy, comes pain. And while we're aware that labor will be painful, pregnancy brings it's own set of pain.

How to Manage Pregnancy and Labor Pain

Along with pregnancy, comes unexpected pain. Of course, we’re aware that labor will be painful. Most women have heard horror stories or at least know of one woman who has given birth in her lifetime. The pain that comes along with pregnancy may resemble other pain that we’ve dealt with. But it’s also different. Your body is shifting and stretching, after all, to accommodate the growing life inside of you. But what kind of pain can be expected during pregnancy, and equally important; what type of relief is there? We’re going to explore how to manage your pregnancy and labor pain. Both with and without drugs. Pregnant during the summer? Be sure to check out my summer pregnancy survival tips. Pregnancy Pain Management There are…

9 Tips for Dealing with Morning Sickness

Ah, morning sickness… the bane of my pregnancy, especially with Sweet B when morning sickness did not discriminate on time of day. I’ve heard that having morning sickness is actually a good sign, but I have yet to figure out why. Maybe we’ll talk about that in another post. With Squeaker, morning sickness wasn’t too bad though there were definitely somethings that triggered it in big ways. So today I want to share 9 tips for dealing with morning sickness that will hopefully help you cope. Be sure to check out the rest of my pregnancy advice and tips. If you’re suffering with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, you’re not alone. Most women experience it to some degree during their first trimester. But don’t let…