Booking Across the USA: Sandra Boynton

We are happy to be participating in Booking Across the USA and the author that we chose to cover is Sandra Boynton. She hails from New Jersey so that’s the state that we’re representing even though we live in New York. There are several reasons that we chose Sandra Boynton and we’ll also have a list of our favorite books and a mini printable pack for you. Sandra Boynton was a favorite of mine as a child- I loved But Not The Hippopotamus and I remember having a few stuffed Boynton animals (an elephant for me and a hippo for my mom). So the fact that I can now share this love of Boynton books with Squeaker is great. About Sandra Boynton Sandra Boynton was…

Are you in need of hope or need a reminder to have hope? Try printing out one of these free printable quotes about hope.

4 Free Quote Printables about Hope

Hope. Such a powerful word in only four letters. Certainly yes, there are plenty of four letter words that have meaning or that have impact. Several come to mind and no, they aren’t all family friendly. But hope is such an encouraging and gentle reminder. A daily reminder if we want to it to be. Hope has helped me to persevere through so many things in life and hope gets me through to the end of the day. Hope has gotten me through my daughter’s autism diagnosis and the day to day struggles that we face. Hope has gotten me through the transitions I’ve undergone and the changes that I’ve made in my life. Hope gives me a more positive outlook for the future- for…

4 Tips for Family Fitness

I want my kiddos to know that fitness should be an important part of their lives. I can do this by setting a good example and also by getting them involved in fitness as a family. But how to go about this? Well, here are 4 tips for family fitness and a free printable family fitness chart pack. These were designed for all sorts of families, so you have room to add up to 12 family members. But first, let’s get to those ideas and tips for family fitness. Keeping your family healthy isn’t as hard as we often make it out to be. As parents, we do everything that we can to make sure that our family is healthy in all aspects. From eating…

Simple St. Patrick’s Day Printable Pack

I’m going to start something new with the printable packs that I create. First, I’ll share a simple version and then I’ll have the expanded version. The simple version will usually just feature an activity or two. This one, for example, is all about coloring pages. I hope that you enjoy my simple St. Patrick’s Day printable pack and be sure to look for the expanded version soon. You can see a few pages of the pack in action in my Simple St. Patrick’s Day Art Ideas for Toddlers. We finger painted and use Do a Dot markers but you can use whatever materials you like for this coloring pack. By downloading this pack, you are agreeing to my Terms of Use, whether you have…

7 steps to decluttering

7 Steps to Decluttering

This post was originally published on March 4, 2015 and was a central focus of my Ditch the Junk for Lent Challenge- 40 Days to a Better Me. If you’re still with me for the Ditch the Junk for Lent Challenge, welcome to Week 3! The first two weeks focused on healthier eating by ditching the junk food and reducing sugar intake. Now, for my next focus area, I’m moving on to clutter and organization. If you recall, I have three areas that I’m focusing on (Detoxify, Destress, and Declutter). Today, I want to share with you 7 steps to decluttering and how to start letting go. For me, this is a huge problem. Both Kyle and I are very sentimental people and well, I’ll…


Have a Seuss Inspired Day

Have a Seuss Inspired Day With three free printable quotes and a fun Round Up March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’ birthday and is also marked as Read Across America day. You can grab free printables from Seussville to have a Seuss inspired day and I’m also happy to share with you a few of my favorite Seuss inspired posts from across the blogosphere. Dr. Seuss is a theme that we’ll definitely include in Tot School and homeschool preschool (perhaps beyond, if we continue with formal homeschooling). I think that there’s a lot of fun to be had with any Dr. Seuss book. I’m also sharing with you a few printable Dr. Seuss quotes. I anticipate having more to share on March 2nd, but for now,…