Why You Should Still Count Calories on a Low Carb Diet

Why You Should Still Count Calories on a Low Carb Diet

If you are in the midst of a weight loss journey, you may have started with counting your calories. Perhaps you’ve looked into a few types of diets. Maybe you’ve even decided to try a low-carb diet. That’s great! Don’t give up your calorie counting just yet though. Here’s why you should still count calories…

5 Ways a Low Carb Lifestyle Can Help You Lose Weight

5 Ways a Low Carb Lifestyle Can Help You Lose Weight

While I’m getting back on track with a regular workout routine, my diet could use some work. Now, you should know, I’m not a fan of restrictive diets. Instead, I look for other ways to eat healthier so I’m not on an “official diet“. But rather, making healthier choices. Recently, I’ve looked into clean eating…