Beloved and world renowned children's author and illustrator Eric Carle is a favorite in our house. Here's my list of Eric Carle books for toddlers and preschoolers.

The Ultimate List of Eric Carle Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers

We absolutely love Eric Carle, renowned and beloved children’s author and illustrator. Most children are familiar with The Very Hungry Caterpillar and that was Squeaker’s first introduction into this imaginative, colorful, and playful world. We have done one mini-unit so far on this book and I have plans to do mini-units on other books in the future. Perhaps when we plan for PreK or Kindergarten, we’ll devote a unit to Eric Carle again. The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art is not too far from us either, so we’ll definitely have to plan a visit there. The books that he’s written and/or illustrated are the perfect foundation for a well rounded unit or to use within other units. And with over 70 to choose…

Our Top Favorite Thanksgiving Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Our Top Favorite Thanksgiving Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers

We love to celebrate holidays and to help with holiday celebrations, I love a good variety of books. Books are a staple part of our home to begin with, so I want to start sharing a weekly book list with you. Usually they’ll be books for toddlers and preschoolers, but I’ll also have a few book lists for adults as well. This week, we’re getting ready for Thanksgiving with these fun 25 Thanksgiving books for toddlers and preschoolers. Please note that some of these are religious in nature, but for the most part they’re secular based. In the future, I will have book lists that are Christian focused. I have a lot of ideas for these lists though most of them are based on whatever…

Booking Across the USA: Sandra Boynton

We are happy to be participating in Booking Across the USA and the author that we chose to cover is Sandra Boynton. She hails from New Jersey so that’s the state that we’re representing even though we live in New York. There are several reasons that we chose Sandra Boynton and we’ll also have a list of our favorite books and a mini printable pack for you. Sandra Boynton was a favorite of mine as a child- I loved But Not The Hippopotamus and I remember having a few stuffed Boynton animals (an elephant for me and a hippo for my mom). So the fact that I can now share this love of Boynton books with Squeaker is great. About Sandra Boynton Sandra Boynton was…