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Moving house is certainly one of the most stressful events, from choosing where to live to keeping everyone happy, often even more so when you have to deal with the added drama of looking after your kids at the same time. Moving house with family can be a totally nightmarish experience for a variety of different reasons, from the fact that your children miss their usual surroundings, to countless risks and dangers that could end up putting you or your little ones in harm’s way!


Thankfully, this handy guide aims to help you move house in the calmest, most efficient way possible, no matter how many children you have to keep up with. There are numerous top tips and effective strategies that you can utilize to make sure you can complete your project without having to encounter countless bumps along the way, so what are you waiting for? Read on to discover more!

Image Source – Pexels 


Always Make A Plan 


One of the most important steps that you must follow if you want to stand any chance of enjoying a calm, stress free family home move is to make a detailed plan of action that you can follow each and every day. Making yourself a plan or checklist that contains all of the necessary information including dates and deadlines will help you to manage the enormous task that is moving to a new house, as you’ll slash your risk of forgetting vital information that could have otherwise led to serious issues. When you don’t take the time to write things down the chances of you remembering every important detail are really low – you may forget that your movers are coming and fail to pack your boxes in time, or potentially fail to set up your utilities in your new home as you were distracted by other tasks.

So, make the decision to create a detailed plan for your move, and be sure to refer back to it time and time again. Tick off each task as you complete it, as this will not only help you to stay on track with no repetitions, it will also help you to stay motivated and excited as you watch the list shrink smaller and smaller! 


Give Yourself Time 


Expecting that you’ll be able to pack up and move your entire family life in a day or two is one of the worst mistakes that you could make, as you must ensure that you can give yourself more than enough time to complete every job necessary. Having to rush through the task of moving house will no doubt leave you forgetting or accidentally skipping over something important, and this could lead to extra costs on top of your already large spend.

You also need to think about the fact that you must still take great care of your kids despite handling a home move at the same time, so you simply won’t be able to fully commit to moving as a single individual would. So, give yourself enough time to complete each step of your home move without any pressured deadlines looming.


Don’t Forget To Clean 


When your children arrive in their new home, the first thing they’re likely to do is take a running tour of every room that they can find. This means touching the walls, floor and anything else within their reach, so it’s vital that you must not forget to clean your new property before you move in. When you utilize storage pods moving with family can be a lot easier, as at this point your belongings and furniture can be secured safe and sound while you get to work cleaning your new property.

Don’t make the mistake of moving your furniture in and then cleaning, as this is not hygienic and could put your children and their delicate immune systems at serious risk. Kids are much more susceptible to countless different infections and illnesses, so the responsibility is on you to protect them from such nasties when you start your new chapter. If they were to fall ill as soon as you move in, then they may start to feel very negatively about the whole situation and wish they had stayed at the previous property. 


Final Thoughts 


Moving house with kids has never been such a simple task when you can take the opportunity to utilize some of the brilliant tips and ideas that have been carefully detailed above. It’s not always easy to handle such an enormous task when you have little ones to take care of, but these handy hacks can certainly simplify the process. 

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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