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Parents everywhere have suddenly found themselves required to homeschool their children due to the nationwide school closures, and it’s only natural that this has come as a shock to many families, both parents and children alike. Thankfully, the internet is at our disposal, and we can now access homeschooling UK resources easily. Perhaps your child’s school even has a dedicated website or online learning area where materials will be shared and progress monitored. Let’s take a look at some ways to make your homeschooling journey a success, whether it is a temporary measure during the pandemic, or something the family will continue to pursue into the future. 

Create a Routine 

The first and most important thing when embarking on a homeschooling UK journey is to develop a schedule to follow. Make sure the timetable is realistic – try to keep the time spent learning similar to how it would be in school, and ensure the child has adequate breaks to keep their concentration fresh. However, many parents choose not to have such a formal approach to structuring the learning, and this can also prove just as successful for many families. 

If you prefer to take the more structured route, think about all the topics your child needs to learn about and ensure they are evenly spread throughout the week, just as they would be at school. Explain to your child what the day’s learning will involve, so they know what to expect next. 

It’s also important to maintain as much social contact as possible when homeschooling, as kids will be missing out on seeing their peers during school hours. Ensure your homeschooled child still has access to sports clubs and activities where they can meet up with other children their age – social development is just as important as education. 

Keep the Child’s Age in Mind

When it comes to planning out the homeschool curriculum, it’s important to tailor it to the child’s age and current stage of development. You can find many resources about how to home school UK which show suggested curriculums and give resources tailored to different year groups. For children who are not quite of school age, under five years old, it’s important to keep things fun, and don’t spend too long on one activity at a time – children don’t have a high level of concentration at this age. 

Once your child reaches legal school age, there are many resources available to help their education. If they are already in formal education, and are taking a temporary break due to the pandemic, their school should have sent out materials so children can continue their learning from home. Give your child plenty of encouragement with their homework, but ensure you are not doing it for them. It’s always fun to supplement learning with fun, play-based activities, and there are many supplies out there to help. Consider purchasing science kits, and arts and crafts can also be made into a fun learning experience. 

Find the Best Resources 

Finding suitable, age-appropriate educational resources is important when homeschooling a child. There are many organisations available to help with this, such as Education Otherwise, or Schoolhouse in Scotland, which provide details on free home education packs UK. There are some excellent websites available which can be a great help when planning different areas of the homeschool curriculum – some focused on maths, English, foreign languages, geography, and much more. 

However, it’s also important to have some physical supplies for teaching your child from home. Toys and games can be used as learning tools, and it’s also important to think about which books might be necessary, as well as stationary, arts and crafts supplies, and perhaps a laptop for your child to work on as they get older. You can find some of the best educational toys by Tncore sorted by age range, so it’s easy to find something to become a helpful part of the home classroom. There are different options, including educational games, STEM toys, and science projects, so there is sure to be a toy out there to help your child learn. 

Focus on their Strengths 

One of the main advantages of homeschooling is the one-on-one attention children can have from their parents and/or tutors. Parents or tutors can spend more time helping children understand those things they are struggling with, rather than leaving them behind as the rest of the class moves on. It also means kids can learn more detail about the things which fascinate them and which they are good at. So, follow your child’s lead when it comes to homeschooling. If there is something which really interests your child, why not plan a field trip to find out more? Of course, this most likely won’t be possible during the pandemic, but it’s a great idea if homeschool is going to be a long-term option. 

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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