Gift Ideas for Autistic Children for Any Budget or Price Range (Updated for 2019)

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Sometimes, it can be difficult finding just the right gift for your autistic child. Or, maybe not. Some autistic kids have their definite interests. That might make it easier when it comes to buying 5 (or more) of everything. But if you are looking for more gift ideas for autistic children we are happy to present this post to you- sponsored by our friends at Fun and Function.

Fidget Gift Ideas for Autistic Children

Though you may be put off by these because of the fidget spinner craze, we all know how useful fidget toys can be for our autistic kiddos. And as an added bonus, none of these are spinners!

Weighted Blankets and Vests Gift Ideas for Autistic Children

My autistic daughter actually prefers to use her compression vest at school. But she does have one for home, just in case. I’ve also thought about making a weighted blanket for her but I do not have the sewing skills!

Sensory Swings and Stands Gift Ideas

This is something that I’ve thought about getting, both for myself and my daughter. Though, I will be the first to admit: hammocks and I just don’t get along. I think that this would be something to look into when we move and are able to have a completely dedicated sensory space for her.

In the meantime, I may also get a stand when we have space in her room.

Chewable Items Gift Ideas for Autistic Children (invaluable!)

These really do go hand in hand with those fidgets! But I wouldn’t recommend using the gel for a chewable. Maybe something to go along side another fidget toy above. It’s still great for some sensory input though.

Seats and Cushions Gift Ideas for Your Autistic Child at Home

At school, it’s my daughter’s IEP f or her to have a special type of chair. One that prevents her from rocking back too far and one that helps to keep her feet on the floor. We also use a special cushion for her chair at home. And we’ve thought about getting a bean bag chair for her room.

If you're in need of gift ideas for autistic children, I've got you covered!

I acknowledge that yes, sometimes setting up things like this can be pricey. However, I feel that this is an expense that is worth it. You’ll get a lot of use out of the quality items that are found at Fun and Function. Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend them to you if I didn’t feel that way!

We know what it’s like being on a limited budget. But there are also times that I’m willing to pay what I need.

About Fun and Function:

Fun and Function is the leading resource of kid-friendly sensory tools.  Fun and Function’s goal is empowering different and believes that differences make the world a better, more fun, and more interesting place to be.

Fun and Function was started by occupational therapist and mom (of 8!) Aviva Weiss because she couldn’t find kid-friendly sensory tools that would fit her family’s needs. She channeled her frustration and turned it into a passion for creating the best sensory toys and tools on the planet.

Improving the lives of kids with special needs is Fun and Function’s driving mission. Everything they make is kid-friendly, affordable, and most importantly, makes a real developmental and therapeutic difference in the lives of children.

Did you know? Fun and Function is helping me get to my second blog conference in October! They helped me get to my first blog conference in May and I am so happy to work with them again!

See more posts with Fun and Function here:

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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