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We’re going to be starting afterschooling with Sweet B in November. I realize that it’s already two full months into the school year, but I needed to have all of the components ready or at least close to ready. Sometimes we’ll use printable packs (both from fabulous bloggers and made by myself specifically for our focus lesson), sometimes we’ll use board games, sometimes we’ll use crafts, and sometimes we’ll use our All About Reading. I want to mix it up for her, so that it’s not the same thing every day.

Right now, I  wanted to talk about one of the necessary components for afterschooling or at least for Sweet B.

Weighted Sash from Fun and Function

[Tweet “We love our weighted sash from @FunandFunction! “]

Since she was little, she’s had a weighted vest or a compression vest at school. This helps her focus and stay on task. The sensory input that she receives from the weighted vest or from her compression vest, centers her.

But what exactly do I mean by sensory input? Vestibular Disorders Association describes it well (and includes a nice visual aid), but in my own terms I’d say that sensory input is the information we receive from what we see, smell, touch, taste, or hear. When there’s too much sensory input, or sensory overload, it can become difficult for B (and others on the spectrum or with Sensory Processing Disorder) to focus.

Sensory Smarts also has an amazing article with a printable resource on creating a sensory diet for your child.

For us, personally, we’re in constant communication with B’s occupational therapist. She’s the one who made the recommendation to switch from a weighted vest to a compression vest, and also let us know of the full benefits of having a yoga ball in the house. B has one in her bedroom and we’re thinking of getting a second one for downstairs. Or a swing for her birthday. We’ll see.

But aside from the larger items, we needed something that was a little more compact and meant to be used during dinner time or learning time at home. However, what always deterred me was the price. Of course, I also realized that having a vest or something similar for her would be a blessing, so I continued to search… and pray.

That was when I came across an opportunity on Tomoson for Fun and Function– yipee! I originally had heard of them after ordering something through Timberdoodle, so I was excited to see them show up on the list of products. Fun and Function specializes in products for special needs children. After learning that I was approved for the review, I eagerly waited for the mail to arrive.

And finally, it was here!

Weighted Sash


The Ergo Weighted Sash positions weight from shoulder to hip as well as across and down through the trunk, providing just-right deep pressure to help you calm and organize. Provides the benefits of a weighted vest with the flexible styling and comfort of a sash. Made of mesh material with 6 zippered compartments that can hold pens, fidgets, money, keys or the weights. Sleek reflector strips around the edges and at the hips completes the multi-tasking abilities of this incredible wearable wonder!

After taking it out of it’s package, and setting aside the catalog for future reading, I put the inserts into the sash. Then it was just a matter of waiting for Sweet B to get home so she could try the sash on.

weighted sash

Above she’s just reading a book while wearing her sash, this was just so she could get used to wearing it.

Sweet B seemed pretty tolerant with wearing her sash and I like the size of it and how easy it is to put on her. I think that this weighted sash is just what we were looking for and will work wonderfully when we start our afterschooling.

You can purchase a weighted sash from Fun and Function.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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