Why you need to teach your kids to appreciate what they have.

Teaching Your Kids to Appreciate What They Have

When it comes to teaching values and character to children, one way that we (as parents) can do this is by teaching kids to appreciate what they have. One of the ways that we’re teaching character to our child is by teaching her the value of what she has. Though she’s still at a young age, I feel that it’s never too early to start teaching your kids to appreciate what they have. This could be accomplished by teaching them the value of money or serving the less fortunate. There are many other ways to do this, of course. But let’s talk about why it’s important to teach your kids to be appreciative. It’s wonderful when we are able to provide for our children without stress. However,…

3 Ways to Teach Patience to Kids

3 Ways to Teach Patience to Kids

I had started a how-to series, of sorts, about raising kids. But I was never sure as to what I should or could include. Different parenting styles work for different parents, after all. While we may incorporate some aspects of positive or compassionate parenting, that might not work for someone else. Still, I wanted to continue with this series, and talk about how to teach patience to kids. Why? Because it’s important when it comes to raising kids with character. And goes along well with my existing advice and tips for modern day parents. Kids are not the most understanding of beings. They don’t have the capacity in most cases. One virtue that will do them well in life is patience, and here is how…

How To Help Kids Deal with Stress

How To Help Kids Deal with Stress

Kids have it so much easier than adults, right? That’s definitely what we’d like to believe. I mean, don’t you remember being in kindergarten and having playtime, snack time, and a nap? Kindergarten was the best! But, just because their lives seem like it’s all fun and games, doesn’t mean that kids are completely immune to stress. Some kids may have anxiety issues to deal with. Some kids may have parents who are divorcing. So how can we, as parents and caregivers, help kids deal with stress? Recognizing Signs of Stress in Kids -Physical Symptoms: Stressed children may exhibit physical symptoms, such as diarrhea, hives or rashes, restless sleep, changes in appetite, and /or nausea. -Emotional Psychological Symptoms: A stressed child may exhibit depression, excessive sensitivity, or…

Do you suspect that your child may have anxiety? Here are a few types of anxiety that kids may deal with and tips for parents on how to help.

How to Recognize Common Types of Anxiety in Children

We have covered anxiety in children with autism, but today we’re going to talk about the types of anxiety in children. Stress affects children in similar ways as adults. And anxiety is no different though it may manifest differently in children. As a child, I had terrible separation anxiety- especially on the first few days of school or summer camp.  I wasn’t a shy child but I was just a child that was very much attached to my mom. Squeaker will, at times, show signs of separation anxiety but so far it isn’t too bad. But that’s just one of the types of anxiety in children. Let’s look at a few more. What does anxiety look like in children? Children’s anxiety symptoms are typical of…

5 Ways to Learn to Live with Less and Appreciate What You Have

5 Ways to Learn to Live with Less and Appreciate What You Have

In a society that is still “me, me, me” based sometimes it might be difficult to think that we can really learn to live with less. But is it possible? Of course it is. Now, I’m not suggesting that you just give up everything you own until you’re left with the basic necessities to get by. But, you could at least consider giving up a little bit. In fact, it could go a long way when it comes to raising kids to not have an entitlement mindset. While I’m not suggesting that you go full on minimalist, it couldn’t hurt to start evaluating what you have. 5 Simple Ways to Learn to Live with Less #1 Practice gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that fills…

If you are new to the autism diagnosis, be sure to check out my free resources for families with autistic children.
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Free Resources for Families of Autistic Children

Raising children is not cheap and raising a child with autism can be particularly expensive. I’m sharing some of my favorite free resources for families with autism in hopes to alleviate some of that financial strain. Next up in our Autism A to Z series is the letter F. And as I was trying to come up with a theme for today, I realized F could stand for a few things. Free and families stood out the most to me after brainstorming a list so there you have it. Today, I’m bringing you a few of my favorite free resources for families with autism. Some of these I’ve used myself, a few I’ve created, but all of the ones listed are definitely recommended for any…