How to Parent with Compassion

How to Parent with Compassion

It’s happening again. You can feel your stress levels rising as your toddler clings to your leg, constantly repeating: mommy, mommy, mommy. No amount of counting to 4 will help you in this moment as you desperately try to recall the mantras of positive parenting. Your stress levels only increase as you eye the unwashed dishes in the sink or the toys strewn across the floor. Toys that you just finished picking up before your toddler decided that they were made of Velcro. And regardless of what society says, a glass of wine or a shot of tequila seems like a great idea. Even if it is early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Because you know that there’s still time before your…

Learning disorders are far more common than you may think. Here's how to recognize dyslexia and dyscalculia.

How to Identify and Deal with Dyslexia or Dyscalculia

Do you know someone who struggles with dyslexia? Or maybe you’re an adult with dyslexia that hasn’t been diagnosed until now. Whatever the case may be, dyslexia is out there and it’s one of the more common learning disabilities. In fact, more than 3 million individuals in the United States alone are diagnosed with dyslexia at one point in their life or another. But why do I care? Because, I feel that it’s important to bring light to all sorts of learning and developmental disabilities. I myself struggle with a learning disability called dyscalculia which is similar to dyslexia. That’s why I wanted to share some tips and advice for identifying and dealing with dyslexia and dyscalculia. As a child, I struggled with proper handwriting,…

Most toddlers are bound to hit. It's just one of those developmental things. Here are a few tips for how to stop your toddler from hitting repeatedly.

7 Tips to Try to Prevent Your Toddler From Hitting

Toddlers are full of surprises. Chances are one day, if it hasn’t happened already, your precious little love bug is going to haul off and hit someone. It might even be you. All of a sudden your delightful child has become a boxer in training.  Don’t be too surprised when it happens. It’s normal and will happen with most toddlers. Here’s how to stop your toddler from hitting. 7 Tips for How to Stop Your Toddler From Hitting 1- Don’t make it a game. Almost all toddlers hit. They don’t have the communication tools they need to express themselves, and eventually frustration or even curiosity will turn into a hit. When they hit someone, whether it is an adult or a child, immediate action is…


4 Simple Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem

As parents, we want our children to be happy, confident, and sure of themselves. And doing so, starts at home with a nurturing and loving environment. But how does one go about boosting their child’s self esteem? Is it just a matter of praise and and fostering a strong sense of self confidence? Or does it go beyond that? How do we boost our child’s self esteem without them seeming too self centered or cocky? Where is the line between a self confident child and a child who boasts? And is there really a difference between a self confident child and a cocky child? Like many things in parenting, this takes time and steps. They may not always notice the things that you’re doing but…