Why Use Sensory Boxes or Sensory Bins for Special Needs?

Why Use Sensory Boxes or Sensory Bins for Special Needs?

Sensory bins, or sensory boxes, can be quite beneficial for children with special needs. But why is that? Whether you are using them at home or in school, here’s how to incorporate sensory bins for special education needs and purposes. And honestly? If a craft challenged, mess fearing mom like me can embrace the idea of sensory boxes and sensory bins? Anyone can. I hate the mess and honestly, I’m not a huge fan of creating or touching slime. I may have a few sensory issues myself that need to be addressed. Why Use Sensory Bins for Special Education Needs? Sweet B uses sensory bins quite a bit at school. They provide her with a unique opportunity to experience play without having to be fully…

Free Printable Daily Schedule for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Free Printable Daily Schedule for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Many children on the autism spectrum benefit from routines and structure. But how do we, as parents, provide this structure for them? It’s really easier than you think when you use free visual printables for autism. In fact, all it takes is a little bit of repetition and you’ll have created a functional daily routine and schedule for your child in no time at all. Still confused as to the how and the why? Or maybe you just want to start simple? I’ve got you covered there too with my free printable daily schedule for autism– designed to help you with setting up a functional routine at home. Why use a daily routine schedule printable? Sweet B, because of her autism, is a very visual…

How to Help Your Autistic Child Make Friends

How to Help Your Autistic Child Make Friends

Simple things like making small-talk or even starting a conversation can be excruciatingly painful for autistic children. Social skills are not always easy and many children on the spectrum have difficulties in this area. This impacts many areas of their lives and hinders their ability to make friends. So how do we, as parents, help our autistic child make friends? Well, aside from modeling this type of activity, we can also provide them with conversational starter cards.  How to Teach Autistic Children to Make Friends Learning how to build friendships can be difficult. Not just for our autistic children, but for anyone. However, when your social skills are limited, this becomes increasingly difficult. It may be difficult for your child to make the necessary small talk…

What Does Autism Look Like?

What Does Autism Look Like?

One of the comments that parents of children with autism will sometimes hear is, “he/she doesn’t look autistic.” Personally, this bugs me and I’ll tell you why. At first glance, yes, maybe children with autism don’t look autistic. Maybe, for all intents and purposes, they look like “normal” children. And guess what? They are children. They are human beings… they eat, breathe, poop, sleep (mostly), get angry, get sad, laugh, cry.. you get the picture. They just also happen to have autism. So what does autism look like? What does Autism look like anyway? In all truth, if you want to know what an autistic child looks like, look at your own child or grandchild. Look at the children who live next door to you…

How to Build a Support Network as a Special Needs Parent

How to Build a Support Network as a Special Needs Parent

Parenting an autistic child can be difficult, there’s no way around that. But, it doesn’t always have to be that way. Especially when you build a support network as a special needs parent.  But what if you have no support network? Then what can you do? I know it may sound almost impossible, especially with everything else that you face on a daily basis, but it is so important. Perhaps now more than ever. You need a support network. Even if it means building one yourself. What is special needs parent isolation? Parenting is tough. This gig does not come with a manual and even if it did, there is no one-size fits all guide to parenting. Add in parenting a child with special needs and…

Why Routines and Schedules are Important for Autistic Children
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Why Routines and Schedules are Important for Autistic Children

A little bit of structure is beneficial for anyone, I think. But when it comes to individuals with autism, I would argue that there is a need for routine and consistency. That’s why we’re talking about the importance of routine for autism in this post. Beyond that, we’re going to talk about how to establish routine and structure in small steps so that it becomes habit. This is important, not only for your child, but also for you so you can create a functional environment that works for your child and not against them. Why You Need Routine for Your Autistic Child There’s nothing wrong with a little structure and predictability in life. Personally, I prefer having a schedule or at least some sort of established…