Tips and Tricks for Content Creation

Tips and Tricks for Content Creation

As the old saying goes, content is king. And even in the ever changing world of blogging, this couldn’t be more true. Regardless of any changes that Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter may make; content will still be the one ring to rule them all. Yes, how you promote your content may change or the methods that you use my be different from blogger to blogger. And what works for one blogger may not work for another blogger. But what is consistent and the one common thread that we all have is content. As bloggers we are the primary content creators, and often times we wear many additional hats when it comes to the business of blogging. Content creation is just one of the things that…

Monthly Blog and Personal Goals: February 2016

Monthly Blog and Personal Goals: February 2016

I may have mentioned before that I am a goal oriented person. I like setting goals and I think they keep far more on task then setting something like a resolution. Sometimes I may have issues with achieving my goals, especially if I’m not breaking them up into actionable steps. This is also something that I’m working on in terms of self improvement and time management. It’s all about steps and breaking things up for me because the more I can plan, the better of I am… most of the time. Now if I could just apply all of that to blogging, I might be good to go! January was an okay month for me on the blog front. I managed to rebrand, mostly with…

Pinterest Tips for Bloggers and Entrepreneurs

Pinterest Tips for Bloggers and Entrepreneurs

As a blogger, you’re probably already aware of just how important Pinterest is for driving traffic. And not only that, but for driving long term traffic. Pinterest can become a steady and reliable source for traffic and believe it or not, it’s not just for food and crafts anymore. In fact, some of my top performing Pinterest posts are autism, parenting, and finance related. Sure, some of the recipes have done fairly well but I get more long term traffic from those first three categories. That being said, I wouldn’t say that I’m a Pinterest guru or a power pinner; not by any stretch. I’ve just found what works for me and the types of pins that work for me. Still, I wanted to share…

2015 in Review and Planning for 2016

2015 in Review and Planning for 2016

2015 was a year for growth- in a lot of ways, in both my personal and blogging life. More so in my blogging life as I made the decision to monetize in 2014 and really saw the effects of that in 2015. I had my first sponsored post in 2014, but 2015 brought so much more. Granted, I didn’t break the 10k threshold but I think I’m well on my way to earning at least a part time income next year. 2015 was my year for learning, or at least somewhat. I started Elite Blog Academy, something that had been on my to-do list for months. And I also took an SEO course with Kelli from 3 Boys and a Dog and Crystal from Crystal…

Printable Blog Goal Worksheets

Printable Blog Goal Worksheets

I’m a very goal oriented person. It helps me to put things in perspective and gives me a more clear path as to how to achieve what I want. Sometimes I set small goals, sometimes it’s big goals. And sometimes it’s small goals that lead towards a bigger goal. Whatever the case may be, I’ve found that setting goals helps me out and keeps me on track. This applies to many aspects of my life- be it household, money, or blogging. For example, one of my goals for next year is to earn a steady part time income from blogging. Right now it’s touch and go and I’d love to see that become stable. I have a plan, almost in place, for reaching that goal….

Why Bloggers Need Bloggers

With these baby steps to blogging posts being so sporadic, I want to try setting up a more predictable schedule for when they’ll get posted. I do plan on going back to the How to Make Money Blogging mini-series, but for right now; I want to touch on something that I feel is equally important. Actually, if I’m going to be honest, I think that this is even more important than monetizing. It’s about bloggers supporting bloggers because I fully believe that bloggers need bloggers. As a blogger, I think community and networking are a huge part of what I do. I belong to various blog support groups on Facebook and to numerous blog networks. But why? Could I succeed on my own? Possibly, but…