5 Benefits of Yoga for Mental Health

In this Yoga for Beginners series, we’ve talked about a few benefits of yoga and why yoga is for everyone. We’ll cover more in the weeks to come as this is something that I really want to continue with. Today, we’ll talk about 5 benefits of yoga for mental health. I could very well call this meditation for mental health, but because it’s in the Yoga for Beginners series, it will be more about yoga while incorporating meditation. Aside from the many health benefits of Yoga; the poses, meditation, deep-breathing and stretching can also help your mental well-being. Increased body awareness, relief of chronic stress and relaxation are just a few of the benefits you’ll experience when you begin the practice of Yoga. 5 Benefits…

Is Yoga Really For Everyone?

Yoga has been touted as an exercise that almost anyone can do. But is yoga really for everyone? Do you really think that everyone who owns and wears a pair of yoga pants is a die hard practitioner? I wear yoga pants because they’re comfortable but I also wear them when I’m doing yoga. It took me quite some time to finally settle into a routine and I’m still looking for a mommy and me option so I can get Squeaker in on it too. I’ve also looked into yoga for special needs to see if it would help Sweet B. So with mommy and me yoga, yoga for special needs, yoga for pregnancy, etc… is yoga really for everyone? Or is that just what…

3 Sources of Fitness Fuel

While we’ve talked a bit about fitness and starting fitness at home, today I want to talk about nutrition and why it’s important. March is National Nutrition month so I think this is the perfect time to talk about 3 sources of fitness fuel. But don’t just think of this as fitness fuel- think of this as every day life fuel. We want to put the optimal foods into our bodies to keep us going throughout the day. There is much discussion today about basic nutrition.  This is because there is an obesity epidemic on the rise, not just in the United States, but around the world.  People are gaining weight for a number of reasons, including less time exercising  and poorer eating habits.  The…

4 Tips for Family Fitness

I want my kiddos to know that fitness should be an important part of their lives. I can do this by setting a good example and also by getting them involved in fitness as a family. But how to go about this? Well, here are 4 tips for family fitness and a free printable family fitness chart pack. These were designed for all sorts of families, so you have room to add up to 12 family members. But first, let’s get to those ideas and tips for family fitness. Keeping your family healthy isn’t as hard as we often make it out to be. As parents, we do everything that we can to make sure that our family is healthy in all aspects. From eating…

5 Tips to Keep Your Sweet Tooth in Check

Though we already talked about reducing your sugar intake as a part of the Ditch the Junk challenge, today I want to talk about healthier alternatives to sugar and share 5 tips to keep your sweet tooth in check. For Lent this year, I gave up Twix minis and I’ve tried to curb my general craving for chocolate. It hasn’t always been easy and there are days that I want nothing more than to just devour a dark chocolate bar. But, I’m doing my best to maintain my self control throughout this challenge. Who knows what will happen after Lent is over, but I’m hoping that with these changes in place, I can make this a long term change. Sugar is hard to avoid because…

Moving Away from a Sedentary Lifestyle

Moving Away from a Sedentary Lifestyle

As a blogger, I do spend quite a bit of time in front of my computer and seated at my desk. Though not all of the time, because I’m still running after Squeaker or playing with her but often enough, I think. This is not a habit that I want to continue, but at the same time, I’m also starting to rethink my career choice. But that’s another post for another day. Today, I want to talk about moving away from a sedentary lifestyle and staying active during the day. How to Start Moving Away from a Sedentary Lifestyle So, clearly no one is going to intentionally sit down all day long and not do anything. Even on those days, you still have to get…