Did I really fail as a mom?

Did I really fail as a mom?

I failed as a mom Failure in life is inevitable it seems. But without failure, there would be no success. I would argue, in fact, that in order to succeed and move forward; sometimes you have to fail. Coming to terms with the fact that you’ve failed is not always easy and I am one of those people who hate to admit that they’ve failed. Perhaps that’s why the realization hit me so hard during a conversation that I had with Kyle on Christmas of 2015. This conversation started so simply as I was discussing my plans for the next three years in terms of working at home. It was during a more heated part of the conversation that I realized that I was failing…

The Pros and Cons of Network Marketing for Stay at Home Moms

The Pros and Cons of Network Marketing for Stay at Home Moms

Are you a stay at home mom of special needs kids? I’d imagine that’s one of the reasons you’re here. As a work at home and homeschooling mom, I was on a quest once to find a business that could grow with my time and work around my family. In that quest, looked into several network marketing options. And because of that, I was able to come up with quite a few pros and cons of network marketing.  Why should you consider network marketing from home? When I first started looking at my options, I knew that I wanted to be able to create a work schedule that revolves around my life. I wanted the freedom to work from virtually anywhere. And I want to contribute…

How to Build a Blog That You Love and Make Money

How to Build a Blog That You Love and Make Money

When I first started making the transition to being a professional blogger; I had no clue as to what I was doing. My blog was all over the place and I was probably using the wrong methods to grow my traffic. My social media numbers were not growing organically and I was in over my head. Maybe two months or so in, and I was ready to give up. It was difficult for me to see how someone could possibly make money blogging. But I knew it was possible because I saw it. I was surrounded by it. It was something that I was watching and a part of. And it was something that I wanted for me. My goals, when I finally made up…

Is it really possible to earn money from a blog? Absolutely! My blog makes up the majority of my monthly online income.

Monthly Online Income Report: February 2016

Okay, in the case of wanting to be fully transparent and to show how I’m earning money as a stay at home mom who’s making the transition to being a work at home mom; I’m going to start publishing monthly income reports. Because I eventually plan on branching out to other endeavors that won’t be directly related to the blog, I’m calling these online income reports instead of blog income reports. Granted yes, the bulk of what I earn (to this point and until I establish my other endeavors) will be through the blog. But, once I have everything else sketched out and established, I’ll start adding that in as well. So, all of that out of the way- let’s dive in! And yes, though…

Does Pinterest really make a difference in your social media strategy? Absolutely. Here are some Pinterest tips for bloggers that could also be used for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Pinterest Tips for Bloggers and Entrepreneurs

As a blogger, you’re probably already aware of just how important Pinterest is for driving traffic. And not only that, but for driving long term traffic. Pinterest can become a steady and reliable source for traffic and believe it or not, it’s not just for food and crafts anymore. In fact, some of my top performing Pinterest posts are autism, parenting, and finance related. Sure, some of the recipes have done fairly well but I get more long term traffic from those first three categories. That being said, I wouldn’t say that I’m a Pinterest guru or a power pinner; not by any stretch. I’ve just found what works for me and the types of pins that work for me. Still, I wanted to share…

5 Essential Steps to Starting a Home Business

5 Essential Steps to Starting a Home Business

Since making the decision to stay at home, I also started to think about options for making money at home. It’s not that I don’t enjoy working outside of the home- I did. I enjoyed working in retail. There’s a psychology involved in it that appealed to me. But, the benefits of staying at home outweighed the costs of working outside of the home. At least for us. However, that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to contribute to the household income in some way. Granted yes, I am starting to make some money with this blog. And eventually, who knows, this may bring in a decent full time income. I also have other things in mind when it comes to working at home; which…