How To Handle Stubborn Toddlers and Maintain Your Sanity

How To Handle Stubborn Toddlers and Maintain Your Sanity

Chances are likely, as your toddler grows and their vocabulary expands, that they’re going to add the word “no” or maybe “nope” along with the side-to-side head shake. Maybe they’ll even add in a foot stomp, cross their arms over their chest, or put their pudgy little hands on their hips.  And then, before you…

How To Discipline Your Toddler Through The Terrible Twos

How To Discipline Your Toddler Through The Terrible Twos

When babies enter the phase of toddlerhood (which in itself is debatable) you may begin to encounter some behavioral issues that you hadn’t seen in your precious tot before. Things like biting others or hitting. Believe it or not, these are things that a typically developing toddler will do at some point. You may see…

Learning how to ride a tricycle is a huge developmental and gross motor step. See how we're handling this with our toddler.

The Best Toddler Tricycle: How To Teach Your Toddler to Ride a Tricycle

Are you teaching your toddler to ride a tricycle? Before we started, we wanted to find the best toddler tricycle. After that it was a piece of cake (mostly!). A lot changes when children go from being somewhat mobile babies to being sometimes extremely mobile toddlers. At least that was our experience when Squeaker started…