Tips on Motherhood for Taking Time Out

How often do you find yourself putting the needs of others first? As moms, this is something that we do quite frequently. Whether you’re a working mom, stay at home mom, work from home mom, single mom, etc. then chances are likely that you take a back seat to everyone else. And while there’s nothing wrong with this, we also need to take time for ourselves. Even if it’s just ten minutes a day. Today, I’m sharing tips on motherhood for taking time out so we can get a much needed break. As a stay at home mom, and aspiring work at home mom, I tend to neglect taking time for myself. Even through Squeaker’s naptime, I still work on something. Whether it’s blog related,…

Summertime Playground Safety

We love going to the playground during the summer. There are two playgrounds within ten minutes (or less) walking distance from our house and one of the nicer parks in Albany is roughly half an hour walk (depending on how fast we walk). I enjoy taking both girls to the park, and sometimes Squeaker and I will go on our own while Sweet B is at camp.  We also enjoy meeting up at the playground and park for playdates. Today, I want to share my tips on motherhood for summertime playground safety though most of these tips can be used at any time of the year that you visit the playground. And while most tips are pretty common sense, I still think it’s important to…