Autism means so many different things to so many different people. This is what autism means to my family.

What is Autism?

As you know, autism is very much a part of our lives. It’s been an immediate part of my life since Sweet B’s diagnosis. But prior to her diagnosis, I was mostly unaware as to what autism really is. If you had asked me what the early signs of autism were? I didn’t have a clue. Now it’s different but back then? I was clueless. I had a vague idea.. mostly from watching Rain Man but beyond that? I was clueless. After her diagnosis, I gave myself a crash course and started to learn as much as I could. And of course with the internet, now it’s easier to answer the question: What is Autism? And it’s also easier to find out what it is…

Learning About World Landmarks

With Sweet B’s week off from school, we did some of the activities that we would normally do in our afterschooling during the day. First, we reinforced her Letter A skills. And the next thing that we did was use our Early Explorers kit from last month so we could start learning about world landmarks. I wasn’t sure how Sweet B was going to do with this particular set, but then it was just a matter of tailoring it to fit her abilities. Just like everything we do with her afterschooling, I modify what I need to modify so she can accomplish it but still be challenged. Autism and Afterschooling: Learning About World Landmarks This post makes use of affiliate links at no additional cost…

Autism and Afterschooling

Because of her disability, and learning level, Sweet B doesn’t have homework. That’s not to say that she isn’t learning at home, but it wasn’t really structured. That was something I wanted to change, but I was kind of at a loss with where to start. That was until I treated it like an IEP meeting and developed some goals and how those goals would be reached. I understand, also, that I need to be flexible with this- especially in the beginning. It’s a change in routine for her, though once we’ve found something that works, I’m sure Sweet B will flourish. Autism and Afterschooling: The ‘IEP’ First, I had to create a set of goals, similar to what would happen if this were Sweet…