Along with pregnancy, comes pain. And while we're aware that labor will be painful, pregnancy brings it's own set of pain.

How to Manage Pregnancy and Labor Pain

Along with pregnancy, comes unexpected pain. Of course, we’re aware that labor will be painful. Most women have heard horror stories or at least know of one woman who has given birth in her lifetime. The pain that comes along with pregnancy may resemble other pain that we’ve dealt with. But it’s also different. Your body is shifting and stretching, after all, to accommodate the growing life inside of you. But what kind of pain can be expected during pregnancy, and equally important; what type of relief is there? We’re going to explore how to manage your pregnancy and labor pain. Both with and without drugs. Pregnant during the summer? Be sure to check out my summer pregnancy survival tips. Pregnancy Pain Management There are…

Is Natural Childbirth For You?

Squeaker was born at home… but not by choice. Or at least not by my choice. She had made up her mind that she was coming out and there was no stopping her from doing so. It was a night that I will never forget. Which they say you never forget the birth of your children, and that’s true. I remember the birth of all three. Just with Squeaker it was particularly memorable. And in the process, I inadvertently learned, natural childbirth is not for me. But is natural childbirth for you? In my birth plan, I had stated minimal drug use. It wasn’t something I wanted to go through with this labor, but at the same time, I would have welcomed it if I…