Flea markets and yard sales are sometimes filled with hidden treasures. Here are just a few things that you could buy, and a few things to avoid, at a flea market.

What to Buy and What to Avoid at a Flea Market

Spring and summer tend to bring about more yard sales, and flea markets. Even neighbors may join together to hold a street-wide sale.  And if you have the time for such things, sometimes you can really find some great deals. But not always. It’s good to know what to buy and what to avoid at a flea market. Some are more obvious than others, but it’s still something to keep in mind before you go. Shopping at flea markets is a great thing. You can get some really amazing deals. But there are just certain things that would not be a smart purchase, no matter how much you may need it. There are many things that are great bought from a flea market, though. So…

14 Cooking Hacks That Will Save You Time and Money

14 Cooking Hacks That Will Save You Time and Money

I’m all for saving time and saving money. Any sort of tip that will help with time management or money management? Yes please. I will take more. So when I can find tips that will help with both, I’m all for it. I am thrilled to share with you 14 cooking hacks that will save you time and money. Many families today eat a lot of fast food and prepared convenience foods due to the lack of time they believe they have. The problem is, these foods will end up being very expensive ‒ not only at the supermarket, but also will result in more visits to the doctor due to the lack of nutrition and unhealthy ingredients in such foods. Thankfully, you don’t have…

How Having Healthy Kids Will Help You Save Money

How Having Healthy Kids Will Help You Save Money

Raising kids can be expensive. And we may look for any number of ways to save money. For our family that means living a more frugal lifestyle and learning to let go of things here and there. It means living within a budget and making smarter financial decisions. It also means looking for ways to save money whenever possible. Sometimes that’s with our grocery budget or it might be with household bills. For us, it also meant that I would stay at home to cut back on daycare expenses. And while it may work for us, for other families it may make more sense to have both parents working outside of the home. Or, in the case of single parent families, the option just may…

Starting a Family Piggy Bank

Starting a Family Piggy Bank

As a child, I remember having several piggy banks, but none was an actual pig. My mom also collected piggy banks, so I suppose my mild obsession with piggy banks may have come from her. As a family, we had one collective piggy bank and I’ve thought of starting a family piggy bank with Squeaker. All too often, when kids become adults, they forget about those savings lessons learned in their younger years. They spend every last cent out of each paycheck, and they end up without anything left over. Wouldn’t it be great if we could save up some money to have fun with as easily as we did in our youth? Actually, there’s no reason why we can’t. A family piggy bank works…