Have Fun and Get Moving with EzyRoller

Please be advised that this post may contain affiliate links. By clicking on a link and making a purchase, I will earn a small commission. Of everything that’s in the gift guide, this next gift has definitely been the most anticipated in terms of getting a review done. T & J were particularly excited about doing this review and wanted to know (almost immediately) when we were going to get that done. Of course that kind of defeated the point of having this as a Christmas gift, but their excitement was definitely worth it. EzyRoller is a featured gift in our Holiday Gift Guide

Create with Blu Track

Though I don’t talk about them too much, Kyle’s two boys are here with us on the weekends. Though we’re far past the feeling out stage, sometimes I feel it’s difficult for me to engage with them. Not for lack of trying, but it’s just the truth. It’s been easier in the past year and I know it will only get better. That being said, when I started looking for more kids stuff for the Gift Guide, I had them in mind as well. I know they have a general affection for Hot Wheels, so I looked for something similar and came across Blu Track. I thought that the concept looked pretty neat and after reaching out, I had secured a set to review. [Tweet…