A healthier lifestyle begins with a healthier diet. Here are a few ways to start removing junk food from your diet.

How to Start Removing the Junk Food From Your Diet

Ditch the Junk for Lent: A 40 Day Challenge Today, for Christians around the world, is the first day of Lent. A 40 day/40 night period between Ash Wednesday and Easter. Traditionally, an individual will pick up something to give up for Lent (and hopefully stick with giving that up after Lent is over). For me, this year, I’m resolving to ditch the junk for Lent. And by junk, I mean anything that isn’t healthy or useful in my life. This applies to food, clutter, items that I’ve been holding on to for whatever reason or another… you name it. As a family we’re taking steps this year to detoxify and with Lent here, I think that this is a perfect time to becoming really…