Yes it is entirely possible to earn an income from blogging! This is just how one mom is doing it.

July 2016 Income and Traffic Report + Goals for August

It’s so hard for me to believe that it’s already August! I did set up a to-do list for the summer but it’s not nearly as complete as I’d like it to be. A lot of it has to do with building my email subscriber list and creating a paid member’s area. It also has to do with finding the time to do everything. Which, I’m now watching my niece several days a week. So having her here has been fun… but also somewhat challenging. It’s also given me some pretty good ideas for blog posts and activities. Anyway, moving on to the latest monthly income report! Please do note that while I call these monthly income reports, this is solely from blogging income at…

June 2016 Income and Traffic Report + Goals for July

June 2016 Income and Traffic Report + Goals for July

Can you believe that it’s already July? This year is half over and while part of me feels incredibly accomplished… there’s a part of me that knows that I still have so much to do! I was never one to fully buy into the “summer slump” when it came to blogging. And though my numbers are down from last month, I’m not too concerned. That said, I’m going to follow the same format as I did last month. You can read my past income reports (though only last month’s included traffic) and I’m also going to review/recap my traffic from the beginning of the year to the end of this month. Income and Expenses for June June saw my first payment from Mediavine and payments…

I'm sharing my most recent income and traffic report for Kori at Home and also sharing my goals for the next month. What big things are you planning?

May 2016 Income and Traffic Report + Goals for June

Okay, so while I’ve been sporadic with posting my monthly goals (May Goals & February Goals), I also haven’t posted an income report since February… which was really the income report for January. I would love to tell you that this is more of a priority for me, but it isn’t. Yes, I do enjoy sharing and I enjoy answering any questions… so maybe that will give me the motivation I need. Anyway. From here one out, when I remember to do them, these reports will be broken down as such: Previous month’s income received and expenses out Previous month’s traffic Goals for next month So let’s get started! Income Earned and Expenses for May I’d love to tell you that May was an average…

2015 in Review and Planning for 2016

2015 in Review and Planning for 2016

2015 was a year for growth- in a lot of ways, in both my personal and blogging life. More so in my blogging life as I made the decision to monetize in 2014 and really saw the effects of that in 2015. I had my first sponsored post in 2014, but 2015 brought so much more. Granted, I didn’t break the 10k threshold but I think I’m well on my way to earning at least a part time income next year. 2015 was my year for learning, or at least somewhat. I started Elite Blog Academy, something that had been on my to-do list for months. And I also took an SEO course with Kelli from 3 Boys and a Dog and Crystal from Crystal…

Printable Blog Goal Worksheets

Printable Blog Goal Worksheets

I’m a very goal oriented person. It helps me to put things in perspective and gives me a more clear path as to how to achieve what I want. Sometimes I set small goals, sometimes it’s big goals. And sometimes it’s small goals that lead towards a bigger goal. Whatever the case may be, I’ve found that setting goals helps me out and keeps me on track. This applies to many aspects of my life- be it household, money, or blogging. For example, one of my goals for next year is to earn a steady part time income from blogging. Right now it’s touch and go and I’d love to see that become stable. I have a plan, almost in place, for reaching that goal….

Goal Planning for Bloggers

I’ll be the first to admit it- I’m no expert when it comes to blogging and I highly doubt I ever will be. I think that we all have a lot to learn where blogging is concerned, though I’d like to think that I’m confident with what I know. Like many bloggers, I know that success in blogging rarely happens overnight and that blogging takes a lot of time and hard work. But with that time and hard work, you’ll also start to see payoffs. I know I have when I put in the work and I’ve also seen the consequences when I don’t. That’s why I’m setting goals for the next year and offering some helpful tips and printables to aid in goal planning…