9 Tips from Moms for How to Plan a Birthday Party for an Autistic Child

9 Tips from Moms for How to Plan a Birthday Party for an Autistic Child

Are in need of birthday party ideas for your autistic child? I’ll be the first to admit that planning a birthday party was never my strong suit. Sure, I love to plan, but a birthday party was just a little bit out of my league. I can remember the birthday parties my mom planned for me and it struck me- I would likely never plan an autism birthday party. Part of it has to do with when my daughter’s birthday is, but then there are other factors like friends and locations. Turns out that I wasn’t alone in this struggle. The autism birthday party Sweet B’s birthday is in July, so I attribute that to one reason why I never really planned a big birthday party…

Sensory Friendly Birthday Party Activities for Children with Autism

Sensory Friendly Birthday Party Activities for Children with Autism

Birthday parties are usually a source of disdain when it comes to my autistic child. She hasn’t attended many, aside from parties for family members, and to be perfectly honest; I’ve never really gone out of my way to host a birthday party for her. Or at least not in the sense of: theme, inviting classmates, planning kids party activities, etc. And it’s mostly because of her birthday being in the summer (and the day before the 4th of July) and well, birthday parties are draining for this introverted mom. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t plan for a fun birthday party for your autistic child, nor should you rule it out completely. Instead consider a sensory friendly birthday party to make it more…

First Birthday Party on a Budget

First Birthday Party on a Budget

Are you overwhelmed with planning your child’s first birthday party? From the food, to the decorations, to the picture perfect first birthday party outfit; here are my best tips for creating a memorable first birthday party on a budget. Squeaker turned one year old in December of 2014. Kyle and I had already decided that we aren’t going to have a huge birthday party for her, mostly because she’s not going to remember. In all honesty, I think that first birthday parties are more for the parents and adults than the birthday child, but that’s just my opinion. Still, we did want to celebrate her special day, but we also wanted to do it without breaking the bank. As a one income family (or at…

We had an absolutely amazing birthday experience at Chuck E Cheese's with my autistic daughter.

Advice and Tips for Planning an Autism Friendly Birthday Party

It has been years since my autistic daughter has had a birthday party outside of the home. We usually keep our celebrations small because it’s more convenient for her. Especially with her birthday being in the summer and less likelihood of guests showing up. That and it’s difficult for her to make friends. Because of that, her birthday parties are at home with family. This year, however, I wanted to try something different. Here are my advice and tips for planning an autism friendly birthday party. We’ll start, of course, with picking a location. You know your child best, but things to keep in mind include: Of course, these are things that you’ll want to keep in mind when planning a birthday party for any…

Children's birthday parties can be pricey and the costs may add up quickly. Here are some budget friendly birthday party ideas to help keep your party in check.

Budget Friendly Birthday Party Ideas

After planning a first birthday party on a budget (and subsequently a second on an even tighter budget), I think we’re on track to keep these birthday parties as budget friendly as possible for as long as we can. One thing that will change is when Squeaker is in school and the whole concept of class parties or having more friends come into play. But, even then, I hope to stick with budget friendly birthday party ideas. I’m already thinking of possible themes for Squeaker’s third birthday and maybe she’ll get more involved in the planning process when the time comes around. In the meantime, we could also start saving for her birthday or at the very least, start planning about three months ahead. 7…

Mickey and Minnie Party Ideas

When it comes to birthday party ideas, Disney seemingly never goes out of style. From Frozen to Mickey and Minnie party ideas, the possibilities are practically endless when it comes to the magical world of Disney. I, personally, will always be a Disney person and to be honest- I wouldn’t mind having an Olaf themed birthday party. This post makes use of affiliate links at no additional cost to you. By making a purchase through one of my links, you are helping me support my family. For Squeaker, I think an ideal introduction to the world of Disney parties would be Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse. And for my decorations and party supplies, I’ll start with Birthday n a Box. I’ve always been more of…