A Beginner’s Guide to Organic Gardening

A Beginner’s Guide to Organic Gardening

When it comes to planning our garden this year, aside from growing vegetables and maybe herbs; I might attempt to do a butterfly garden with Squeaker. I think it would be fun for her and a way to really get her involved with gardening. Another thing that we’re considering is whether or not we go the more organic route or stick to tried and true from last year. We are not green people though we’ve made a few eco-friendly lifestyle changes, we have not fully adopted that lifestyle. I do think that there are merits and benefits of going organic and one way that we might try to shift is through organic gardening. Take a look at this beginner’s guide to organic gardening to see where you…

How to Start Planning a Garden at Home

How to Start Planning a Garden at Home

In the Spring of 2015, we ventured into the world of home gardening. We had wanted to start a vegetable garden in the backyard and possibly branch into other plants or create a butterfly garden. I have many fond memories of growing vegetables with my mom and hope to share this experience with Squeaker and Sweet B as well. Unfortunately, we didn’t prepare enough so we were unable to grow much of anything. That and our backyard still needed some work done. While we ended up going with a container garden last year, this year we’ll probably do a mixture of raised bed gardening and container gardening. I want to share with you, some of the steps that we took and places that we looked…