3 Meaningful Ways to Teach Girls to Love Themselves

3 Meaningful Ways to Teach Girls to Love Themselves

Do you have a daughter? I might finally be relenting that raising a daughter is more difficult than raising a son. Or maybe it’s because my youngest daughter just so happens to be strong-willed like her mom. Whatever the case, raising daughters is unique. I look back on my own childhood, mostly with fond memories. And then I hit puberty and a lot of things change. My self-esteem tanked. So in hopes of preventing that with my own daughter, here are 3 meaningful ways to teach girls to love themselves. Because, as the old saying goes, you have to learn to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Self-confidence and self-esteem is often difficult for girls. Not just in terms of body image, but…

Dear Mom Who Is Afraid to Leave Her House

Dear Mom Who Is Afraid to Leave Her House

Dear mom who is afraid to leave her house, If it’s because of your special needs child- I can understand. If it’s because of a fear of judgement- I can understand. If it’s because of a feeling of helplessness – I can understand. If it’s because of your own anxiety – I can understand. If it’s because of your own depression- I can understand. You see, I may not have been in your exact situation, but I can relate. Because I have been there. Because, at one point, I was the mom who was so wrapped up in nerves. I hated the thought of leaving the house. I didn’t want to deal with people at all. To be fair, there are some days that I…

3 Ways to Teach Patience to Kids

3 Ways to Teach Patience to Kids

I had started a how-to series, of sorts, about raising kids. But I was never sure as to what I should or could include. Different parenting styles work for different parents, after all. While we may incorporate some aspects of positive or compassionate parenting, that might not work for someone else. Still, I wanted to continue with this series, and talk about how to teach patience to kids. Why? Because it’s important when it comes to raising kids with character. And goes along well with my existing advice and tips for modern day parents. Kids are not the most understanding of beings. They don’t have the capacity in most cases. One virtue that will do them well in life is patience, and here is how…