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Every business has essential files, legal documents, marketing strategies, employee data, and money to be secured. Having an effective security system to protect every aspect of your business- from mobile phones to its premises is a must! For many business owners, the question is, “how can they provide their businesses with the needed security?” Here are some practical ways of doing so.

  • Secure your smartphone 


Mobile apps, sensitive information, money transactions, amongst other business activities, may be conducted via smartphones. Therefore, it is vital to offer security solutions to smartphones used to carry out these activities. You can protect these phones with passwords or pin codes. Also, ensure you interact with trusted sites to avoid making yourself vulnerable to malware and other cyber attacks. You can further protect the stored data on your phone by backing up on safe cloud solutions such as Apple iCloud and Google Drive. 

  •  Use stronger passwords


It is vital to consider setting stronger passwords for smart devices and various software programs your company uses. Obvious passwords, like “1234,” can be easily guessed by hackers. Also, avoid using personal information such as your birthday as unauthorized persons can quickly obtain this information. You can create a password with a mixture of lower and upper cases with numbers and symbols. With a strong password, you effectively protect sensitive business and client information. It will be ideal not to keep a particular password for over three months. 

  • Erase your hard drives


It is standard practice for most businesses to change their computers and printers after years of usage. However, discarded computers have caused the downfall of many successful organizations because of the retrievable information found on their hard drives. Therefore, before you discard computers or printers, be sure to erase data from the hard drives or take them out. 

  • Control your keys

Although attention is given to digital security risks, you should consider the physical aspects of your business. A vital area is your entryways and exits. A good way of keeping these areas secure is by implementing an effective key control policy. When creating this policy, consider rekeying locks you have used for over six months. A stranger or an employee you have fired might have spare keys that open your server room or safe. You can stop such havoc from occurring in your firm. 

  • Increase security surveillance

Strategically placing CCTV cameras around your premises is an effective way of providing your business premises security. These high-powered cameras pick up clear images regardless of the amount of light available and harsh weather conditions. You may seek the professional help of your head of security on which cameras will help in the needed surveillance of the company. 


These security measures are effective but even more beneficial when it is a collective effort. Therefore, be sure to educate your staff on possible security risks and how to protect the interest of your company. It will take extra effort, but gradually, you will have security systems that will give you peace of mind in your company.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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