A Mom’s Guide to Starting Your Kids in Sports

A Mom’s Guide to Starting Your Kids in Sports

For most Moms, there comes a time when they consider signing their child up for a sports team or club. As with many aspects of motherhood, this can be quite stressful. Whether your child is shy, overly energetic, big, small, or indifferent, it’s natural to be concerned.  While worries are instinctive, they shouldn’t be the determining factors into whether or not your child plays sports. Sports can have tremendous benefits for kids: Physical fitness. Improves balance and co-ordination. Positive mental health implications. Excellent social outlet.  Promotes teamwork and sportsmanship. Teaches them how to lose and recover.  To cover all angles, ask yourself the following series of questions. This will help guide you in finding the best way to start your child in sports.  Photo by…

How To Help Your Kids To Safely Manage Their Money

How To Help Your Kids To Safely Manage Their Money

Image Credit: Pexels, Free to Use Licence.  Money management is one of the many important skills that parents must teach their children and will greatly influence how they grow up to use their money in later life. Many parents tend to leave conversations about money until the later years of their children’s development, usually during their teenage years when they start to have more independence, but it has been proven that children are in fact picking up signals about money and how to use it from a much earlier age, and so it’s important to be bringing money management into the conversation far earlier than many parents expect. So in this article, we’ll discuss some of the ways in which you can help your children…

Five Ways To Spend More Quality Time With Family

Pixabay. CCO Licensed. Many of us are guilty of prioritizing other commitments and activities over family time. However, family time is something that can never be won back – before long, your kids will grow up and your parents and grandparents will no longer be around. Prioritizing family time can help you to build strong bonds and lasting happy memories. Of course, it’s important that this is quality time – you may all be in the same room together, but if you’re all staring at your phones, you’re not really spending time together. Here are just a few ways in which you can encourage more quality time with family. Designate a family night It could be worth designating one night per week for family time….

Mom May Be The Word, But That Doesn’t Mean You Have To Make Your Home Alone

Mom May Be The Word, But That Doesn’t Mean You Have To Make Your Home Alone

As mom to a growing family, the chances are that you feel a lot of pressure to be the perfect homemaker. You likely spend hours in the kitchen or keep everything sparkling irrelevant of the fact it’s a constant struggle with a young family. Hardly surprising that you find motherhood more exhausting than a full-time job! Luckily, while mom is often the word where the home is concerned, you don’t need to take all this on your shoulders alone. Accepting that you can’t do it all could be the first step in seeing yourself with the perfect home at last. All while buying yourself a little valued time to think about something else for once! It’s the ideal scenario, we’re sure you’ll agree, and it’s…

When to File Your Tax Return and Determining Your Filing Status in 2020

When to File Your Tax Return and Determining Your Filing Status in 2020

When I was in high school, I wish there had been a Lifeskills 101 course or at the very least, a filing taxes for dummies course. I know that I would have appreciated the information especially when it came to how to fill out my tax form, figuring out my filing status, and most importantly- when to file my tax return. Of course, I knew that I had to file before April 15th but it would have been nice to know that I wasn’t limited to just filing before the deadline. As an aspiring work at home mom, I’m also going to be looking into filing as a business but that can wait for next year. I’ll share some tips for home business taxes later…

How To Reach A Big Savings Goal

How To Reach A Big Savings Goal

Image Credit: Pexels. Free to Use Licence.  Saving money can often seem easier said than done, especially if you’re working towards a big savings goal such as the deposit of a house or the purchase of a new car. Big numbers can be very daunting and it can be hard to comprehend how you’ll reach your savings goal if you can only afford to put a little money aside every month. If all this sounds a little to close to home and you have a big savings goal to hit then don’t panic – here are a few tips to help you reach it.  Create a plan  “A goal without a plan is just a dream”. The first thing you need to do if you…