Why I Chose to Pursue an Official ADHD Diagnosis after a Self Diagnosis

Why I Chose to Pursue an Official ADHD Diagnosis after a Self Diagnosis

I’ll begin this by simply saying: a self diagnosis — whether it’s ADHD or Autism — is perfectly valid. And anyone around you that has a problem with it? It speaks far more to them than it ever does of you. That all said? I self-diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 37. Then, two years later in 2021, I would pursue an official diagnosis. I entered that evaluation thinking, okay – I’ll come out of this with my diagnosis of ADHD and that’s it. But it wasn’t. I walked out of my evaluation as an Autistic and ADHDer adult. The Path from Self Diagnosis to Official ADHD Diagnosis as an Adult I had been sitting with that self-diagnosis of the inattentive ADHD for about…

Encouraging Words that Every Mom Needs to Hear

Encouraging Words that Every Mom Needs to Hear

Are you practicing enough self-love? Your sense of self-love is greatly tied to your sense of self-esteem, your sense of self-worth, and your self-confidence. Makes sense right? It’s all about you. And this might make you uncomfortable because, as women and particularly as moms, we tend to put ourselves last. We can’t quite possibly put ourselves first. We can’t make it about us.. but we should. We need to get over that mentality that we’re being selfish. And we need to remind ourselves that yes, it is okay to be a little bit selfish. This isn’t about being selfish. This is about taking care of ourselves.  And as that old saying goes? You cannot pour from an empty cup. I mean, it’s why they tell…

Why You Should Use a Journal as a Part of Your Self Care Routine

Why You Should Use a Journal as a Part of Your Self Care Routine

What does your self-care routine look like? I’m going to be honest with you- mine sucked. It was little to non-existent for quite some time. And that was, quite possibly, one of the worst things that I could have done. It never occurred to me at the time how something so simple could be so useful. But, during the most difficult times of my life, self-care made a world of difference. One of the components of my current self-care routine includes keeping a journal. And I get it- you’re busy. You don’t have a lot of free time. But a journal does not have to be a time consuming task. In fact, here are a few reasons why I think you should use a journal…

Reclaiming the Joy of Motherhood When Your Patience Runs Out

Reclaiming the Joy of Motherhood When Your Patience Runs Out

As an individual, I was never blessed with a lot of patience. It’s just how I’ve always been. Over time, I’ve learned that some situations will definitely call for having more patience. And as a mom, I’ve learned that having patience is of utmost importance. With my autistic daughter, it seems that I need patience in abundance. Not just for her, but to also parent my neurotypical daughter. This was a tough pill for me to swallow even if it may seem simple. After discovering my own neurodivergence, I was better able to understand why I was losing my patience so quickly. So what do I do on those days when my patience is thin? What are you supposed to do when your patience runs…

How to Create New Habits that Stick to Make Long Lasting Change

One of the best pieces of advice you will receive about forming new habits is that you should only form one at a time. When you attempt to change too much at once, it almost always leads to failure. This can overwhelm you, frustrate you, and give you too much to change. When this happens, you feel like you can’t accomplish what you set out to, and you won’t try again in the future. The Importance of Sticking to One New Habit at a Time You Can’t Change Everything at Once Remember that you can’t do everything at the same time, just like you can’t develop a bunch of new habits at once. This is almost impossible for anyone, since you need a good amount…

4 Ways to Organize Your Life For Less Stress

4 Ways to Organize Your Life For Less Stress

As we have talked about before, stress is a natural part of life. But it doesn’t have to take over your life. Sometimes it just takes small steps like these 4 ways to organize your life for less stress. Seems like a win-win, right? You can get your house and home organized to improve your mental health. If you want help with stress, you need to focus on organizing your life. Having a lot of clutter and disorganization at home, in your car, and at work can create the feeling of overwhelming chaos. This is only going to cause more stress than you already have. Now is the time to start organizing your life in order to find some relief from your stress. 4 Practical…