How a To Do List Changed My Time Management for the Better

How a To Do List Changed My Time Management for the Better

I have never been great with time management, which doesn’t really work well with being a work at home, homeschooling mom. So how am I changing this? By implementing a to-do list. Yes, that’s right. Here’s how using a to-do list changed my time management.  Time management has never been my strong suit. Sure, I work well under deadlines but if I know that I have an abundant amount of time to complete a project? I wait. Yes, I am a procrastinator at heart. Sometimes that has worked in my favor because I will hyper-focus on my project. But usually it just amounts to a lot of unnecessary stress. If this sounds like you, please do keep reading. I was desperate to learn new solutions and…

19 Ways to Organize Your Life to Organize Your Mind

19 Ways to Organize Your Life to Organize Your Mind

Getting organized will help you in so many ways. But have you ever considered the ways to organize your life that organize your mind? We know that clutter affects your life and that clutter can affect your stress levels. This is something that we talk about quite a bit in our home organization tips for moms. In our ever increasingly hectic lives, it can be difficult to stay organized. It turns out that, if we don’t organize our lives, we can’t stay organized in our minds. Staying or getting organized can be somewhat of a chore but, if it helps keep your head straight, it’s worth the effort. Here are some things you can do to organize your life so that your mind stays organized…

How to Use a Bullet Journal for Home Organization

How to Use a Bullet Journal for Home Organization

If you are struggling with home organization as a stay at home mom — I feel you. In fact, this is one area where I’ve never felt quite complete. But, have no fear! I want to tell you that yes, this can be done. No, it is not always easy. But it can be done- even for those of us who are incredibly disorganized. And trust me, I am one of those people. Over the years I’ve developed many systems and strategies. I’ve tried just about everything. Sometimes it works for a few weeks or a few months. Sometimes it works for a few days. And then I’m back to the proverbial drawing board. So instead, I try something else. For one thing, I tried…

Benefits of Meal Planning for Neurodiverse Families

Benefits of Meal Planning for Neurodiverse Families

Do you meal plan? Or maybe you’ve thought about meal planning and never thought about it again? Or maybe you’ve started meal planning and then gave up because of time constraints? Trust me, I’ve been there. I thought meal planning was going to be a HUGE time saver and money saver. Then I realized how much planning actually went into it. And I was just a bit discouraged by the prospect. But, that’s changed. Once I realized that there were benefits of meal planning for busy families and especially meal planning for neurodiverse families. After that realization hit, I was convinced to give this whole meal planning thing another try. Are you ready to save some time, feed your family healthier meals and save some money…

6 Ways to Prevent Caregiver Burnout

6 Ways to Prevent Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver burnout is a very real thing. As a parent of an autistic child, maybe it even comes with the territory. We take on the role of caregiver, in addition to being parent. In some instances, we are primary parent and primary caregiver. And while I would not trade this for anything in the world, this is a very stressful situation. Caregiver burnout happens far more often than I think we are willing to acknowledge. Here are 6 ways to prevent caregiver burnout. Whether you are the parent of a physically or mentally disabled child or you are caring for an aging parent or spouse, caregiver stress and burnout are potential consequences. It can be very demanding on your time, patience, and finances, to name…

Embracing imperfection: the powerful mindset shift that every woman needs to make.

Why I Choose to Embrace My Imperfection

I’m not perfect. I don’t do immaculate housekeeping and if you come to this house expecting that, you will be disappointed. I don’t do perfect, I do lived in. I might be getting better with my home organization, but perfect homemaker? Nope. I’m not perfect. I am not, and never will be, a perfect parent. I will make mistakes and I will question my parenting abilities with my toddler and with my autistic daughter. I’m not perfect. I am judgemental, I’m stubborn, I’m argumentative. Sometimes I’m too quiet and sometimes I say too much. I’m not perfect. And I am so much better off because of it. I’m a recovering perfectionist. I’m an introvert and an empath with a Type A personality. And as a late…