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Keeping a clean and tidy home is so important. Not only does it help you to stay organised in your daily life since you always know where everything is, but it can improve your mental health and wellbeing. A home that’s comfortable, cozy and clean will always be nice to spend time in- and given the current situation where we’re all being forced to stay at home, this is more important than ever. Most of us are good at keeping our general surroundings tidy, but some jobs can be left much longer than they should be- so every few months it’s worth taking the time out to do these things. Here are five ideas for deep cleaning jobs you could be getting on with this week for a more clean and fresh home.

Clean your kitchen appliances

Chances are you spend some time each day sweeping your kitchen floor, wiping down work surfaces and cleaning the sink- these things need to be done regularly to avoid food poisoning. But when was the last time you cleaned your oven, your fridge, microwave or even your kitchen bin? Grab out the hardcore cleaning chemicals from the back of the cupboard and give all of these things a thorough going over. You’ll keep germs down and your kitchen will have a much fresher feel. 

Vacuum behind large pieces of furniture

For most of us, a quick run around with the hoover every few days is all that’s needed, this keeps levels of dust, pet hair, crumbs and other debris at bay. But every now and again, it’s worth pulling out large furniture and vacuuming behind it rather than just around it. Beds, sofas, tv units, bookcases and more can all trap dust behind them. So if you’re sneezing and don’t know why, this could well be the cause. 

Thoroughly clean beds

Instead of just stripping and washing your bed as normal, take the time to give it a really good clean. Vacuum behind and under the bed as well as the mattress- this helps to keep dust mites down. It’s also a chance to spot signs of pest activity like bed bugs, getting rid of bed bugs can be tricky so call up a company if you see anything untoward. Your bed should be clean, cosy and comfortable since a good nights sleep is crucial for good health. 

Clean your doors, windows and gutters

Your doors, insides of your windows and gutters won’t need cleaning that often but it’s worth doing every few weeks. If you have a window cleaner, they’ll likely still be cleaning the outside as they’re able to work while social distancing. So by you cleaning the inside too they’ll look ultra sparkly and clean. 

Wash soft furnishings

We all know to regularly wash our bedding, but things like cushion covers, throws, rugs and other soft furnishings can be neglected. Pop what you can in the washing machine on a hot wash, rugs can be washed outside with regular shampoo and a hosepipe on a hot day. Hang it over the washing line and scrub and rinse it down and let it dry naturally. It’s a big job but worth doing every now and again. 

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Kori is a late diagnosed autistic/ADHD mom. She is currently located in Albany, NY where she is raising a neurodiverse family. Her older daughter is non-speaking autistic (and also has ADHD and Anxiety) and her youngest daughter is HSP/Gifted. A blogger, podcaster, writer, product creator, and coach; Kori shares autism family life- the highs, lows, messy, and real. Kori brings her own life experiences as an autistic woman combined with her adventures in momming to bring you the day-to-day of her life at home. Kori is on a mission to empower moms of autistic children to make informed parenting decisions with confidence and conviction.

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