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The bedroom in every house is a safe haven, an inner sanctum, and your own private space. Based on that, it’s important to make it truly ‘yours’. Sure, some people pour themselves into creating the perfect space for themselves, but there’s a thin line between ‘just right’ and a pile of clutter. 

It’s very easy to convert your chair to a ‘chairdrobe’, pile absolutely everything on your dresser and even leave dirty laundry on the floor. If it’s a personal bedroom, then the chances of all this happening are even higher. So, rather than sleeping in a bedroom that’s only organized a couple of days in a week, try out these bedroom organization tips for size.

  • Maximize your bed space storage

It’s easy to clutter up your bedroom, in fact, it’s one of the easiest places to clutter up in a home. Rather than throwing things everywhere, and looking for where to stuff them when you have someone over try your best to maximize your bed space storage. Now, before you can begin to maximize this so-called bedspace, you need to have furniture with actual storage space. The thing is, most people are not too keen on walking into a furniture store to shell out tons of cash for a new bed. 

There’s actually a ton of places to get a good deal, that’s where sites like come into play. You can go for beds fitted with cupboards, or others that are equipped with ample space underneath. A lot of things can be hidden out of sight once stored there. You can equally go for a bed with some headboard storage space. That’s a great place to showcase your books and to also display decorative ornaments and trinkets.

  • Categorize your closet

You’d be surprised at how easy it is to neglect your closet space, especially when you have a busy schedule. The best way to keep all the clutter at bay is to ensure that you don’t operate a ‘put it anywhere’ system. Try your best to arrange your clothes by category. So, don’t keep your pants where your dresses go. 

Similarly, categorize blazers together and keep your skirts side by side. With all this in place, you’ll know exactly where what goes and it’s honestly a great way to declutter your space as a whole. It’s equally one of the ways to ditch your chairdrobe and embrace your wardrobe completely.

  • Keep your drawers organized

It’s incredibly easy to keep throwing things in your drawer only to realize that they’ve become an endless abyss of disorganization. At the end of the day, it’s quite a hassle to arrange a drawer from scratch. So, scratch that all together and get a drawer organizer. 

The great thing about getting one of these is that they make it easy to keep everything arranged without much of an effort. Even better, you do not have to go all out to buy one, just make one yourself with a bit of cardboard and PVC pipe. Altogether, this will go a long way to thoroughly transform the mess that was once your sock or underwear drawer.

  • Make use of hooks

Yes, sometimes it seems like the back of a chair was made specifically for hanging your coats and just about anything that can be hung up. But, that does not do much for your bedroom space if you want to be honest. So, rather than settling for an ‘OK’ looking room, opt for some hooks, they make everything better. It also helps that they are quite easy to install. 

If you are not keen on using stick ons, then you can actually opt for something you can screw onto the wall. Regardless of the ones you opt for, these hooks will go a long way to up the look of your bedroom. As mentioned earlier, you can hang up just about anything with these hooks. Your coats, scarves, hats, robes, towels and so much more. So, if the aim is to declutter and go for a cleaner look, this is the way to go.

  • Use your wall space 

Especially if you don’t have a lot of floor space to work with, your bedroom can get disorganized in the blink of an eye. But why keep piling things which further clutter up your space when you can take to the walls? Hanging shelves or high shelves come in handy in this case, because you can take a whole lot off the floor when they are in the picture. 

So, rather than opting for an actual standing bookshelf, take to the walls to store your books. You can equally display ornaments, pictures, trinkets and so much more on these shelves. It’s honestly a win-win situation.

  • Tackle your bedside table

The trick is to opt for a bedside table that suits your needs perfectly so it can be both functional and stylish. It should also be nice and compact, regardless of the size of your room. Keep that extra space for something else. Also, it is important to use your nightstand solely as a nightstand. It’s not a reading table, it’s not a place to store up your bills, all you need to place on it is a lamp, some light reading material and things you need in your sleeping space. 

Even more, it’s a good idea to go for something that is fitted with drawers. It gives you some more space to stow away other things that you may find handy at night. If it’s really important to have your bills nearby or just about anything else, use these drawers instead of piling them on top of your nightstand.

  • Try to keep your tabletops clear

You place one thing on a table and the next thing you’ve piled on ten more. If you keep repeating this, there is no way you won’t end up cluttering your tabletops. If there is one thing that’s true it’s the fact that a room can be well organized, but one cluttered tabletop can ruin that all. 

With this in mind, the best way to guard against scattered tabletops is to use desk caddies, cups, or just about anything that can hold your tidbits. Whether it’s makeup, stationery, or cosmetics, you can look for ways to store them neatly in these containers. Altogether, your tabletops will look a lot better and you won’t have to worry about things piling up unnecessarily.

  • Opt for multipurpose furniture

This is already a recurring theme, mostly because it goes a long way to ensure that you use your space wisely. You see, once your space is maximized then there’s no doubt that clutter and disorganization will be kept at bay. For instance, (as mentioned earlier) rather than crowding the area with both a bed and a bookshelf, get a bed with headboard storage. The headboard area can further be used as a bookshelf cum shelf. So, put up pictures there and basically any articles of decor that calms you.

Additionally, instead of simply opting for a nightstand, go for something that is fitted with cupboards so you can stash things away in there. Another handy idea when it comes to multipurpose furniture is to combine a seating space with a storage space. The result is a storage bench, and that fixture is definitely handy in more ways than one.

  • Get a bedside caddy

If you are pressed for space and would rather not get a full-blown nightstand, why not opt for a bedside caddy. These handy contraptions are all you need to store all those little bits that need to be by your side while you sleep. They are divided into compartments that can hold anything from your reading glasses to your mobile devices. 

Do you need some literature stored there as well? Then great, because there is enough space in there for that too. So, if you are really out to maximize your space, this is a viable way to get that done.

  • Keep a designated ‘drop zone’ in sight

With the way life is unpredictable, there will be days when you just can’t muster up the energy to be organized. So, take one step ahead of yourself and plan for those days. Create a designated drop zone, so you can stay away from your nightstand, closet, and chairs. It could be in the form of a basket, a chest, or anything you can keep little belongings in till you are ready to organize them.


There are so many things to do if you want to keep your bedroom space pristine. It’s a very tricky area, it’s no surprise that so many hacks have been devised. Nevertheless, at the core of it all is the process of decluttering. If you can somehow manage to keep the clutter away, you will have no problem keeping your bedroom tidy. These tips do not in any way hinder your right to express your sense of style. Simply merge these tips with your personal style and you’ll love the result.

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Digital Product Creator at Kori at Home
Hey there! I'm Kori, a neurodivergent mom and certified Life Coach, here to empower moms raising neurodiverse families. Diagnosed with ADHD and Autism at 37, I've turned my passion for neuronerdery into practical parenting tools. With a stack of coaching certifications and a love for 80s pop culture, Marvel movies, and all things brainy, I'm here to help you and your family thrive in this neurotypical world.

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