How to Negotiate Out of Debt

Oftentimes we find ourselves in debt unexpectedly. And for whatever reasons or another, we just need some help getting out of debt. It is definitely possible to get out of debt yourself and one of the ways that you can do this is by creating a get out of debt budget. Regardless of how you got yourself into debt, it is entirely possible to wipe out debt and keep yourself debt free. Today, we’re going to talk about how to negotiate out of debt. This strategy will involve a lot of talking and charm on your part, but it is possible to get some debt relief with this method. Ready to get started? The first step for negotiating out of debt, and for any sort…

Back to School Sanity Savers for Moms

Back to School Sanity Savers for Moms

Back to school can be a time of joy, stress, and disappointment. For me, growing up, I looked forward to the first day of school almost as much as I regretted it. It meant the end of summer, but it also meant going back to school. I enjoyed school because I enjoyed learning. My first day was usually tearful as I was quite attached to my mom and dealt with separation anxiety until I was in sixth grade. Today, I want to share some back to school sanity savers for moms and dads. Hopefully the transition back this year doesn’t have to be quite so bad. Gearing up for back to school means supplies, school clothes, possible medical check ups and vaccinations, and decisions about…

Tips on Motherhood for Staying Healthy

As moms we often put the needs of our family before ourselves. And while this is done with the best of intentions, sometimes we do need to be a little selfish. When it comes to our personal health, I think it’s definitely okay to be a little selfish and put our own needs first. And yes, I am plenty of guilty of doing this but when it comes to my health, I really do need to think about myself. That’s why I’m sharing my tips on motherhood for staying healthy – so I can be at my best for both for my own sake and for my family. What does it mean to be “healthy”? So we know that it’s important to be healthy but…

The Downside of Retail Therapy

We’ve all been there and had one of those days where the stress level gets so elevated that we need to find a way to alleviate it and fast. For some of us, that way is through retail therapy. But, I believe that there is a downside of retail therapy and today I want to share some reasons why you should avoid using retail therapy to alleviate stress. It could very well just cause more problems for you in the long term. Retail therapy is very common among consumers today because it offers a quick high when you run that charge card or pay for something new. However, spending money to relieve stress can quickly turn into a problem. The cycle of addiction is referred…

3 Important Tips for Moms of NICU Babies

3 Important Tips for Moms of NICU Babies

Having a baby is an exciting prospect, filled with ups and downs until that joyful day that you get to meet your bundle of joy. For NICU moms, the premise is the same but also involves the emotional roller coaster that goes along with having a premature baby. I’ve been down that road twice which is why today I want to share my tips on motherhood for NICU moms. And if you’re in need of more resources, be sure to check out my motherhood resources and inspiration page. Why can’t I hold my preemie right away? Many moms dream of the moment that they’re able to hold their baby for the first time. This is usually right after birth or soon after depending on what…

5 Easy Get Out of Debt Secrets

5 Easy Get Out of Debt Secrets

As we continue on our journey to wipe out debt, today I want to share five easy get out of debt secrets. I could also call these not so secret secrets, but we’ll leave them as is. The reason I want to share these is because I want all of us, who are struggling with debt, to become debt free. This was not something that we wanted for ourselves, but somehow we ended up here. And if we got ourselves into this mess, we can get ourselves out of this mess- and stay out of it so we can prevent this from happening again. When times are tough, it can be difficult to make payments on the things we need. And when we run up…