20 Budget Friendly Screen Free Activities for Your Child

20 Budget Friendly Screen Free Activities for Your Child

While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the occasional screen time for your child, they definitely need a break from it. But, soon enough, you’re sure to hear “I’m bored” or “there’s nothing to do” … Really? As a child, one of my favorite things to do was to go outside and get on my bike. I get it though, times have changed. It’s unfortunate, but it’s true. Sometimes we may even fear as parents that we can’t let our kids go out unsupervised without fear of a neighbor calling CPS. So how do we combat screen time? I’m sharing 20 screen free activities for your child that you can try at home. 20 Fun Budget Friendly and Screen Free Activities for Kids 1) Make paper…

Summer Bubble Fun Ideas

With summer just around the corner, we’re searching for fun ideas to keep us outdoors. For us that means water play and bubbles. Squeaker is just starting to be interested in bubbles, so I’m planning a ton of summer bubble fun ideas for her to enjoy while Sweet B is away at day camp. But the fun won’t stop there, of course, because I know that Sweet B will want to participate too. I love bubble play because it’s sensory, fun, and easy. 10 Things To Do While Catching Bubbles via Kids Activities Blog Play With Bubbles via Fireflies and Mudpies Rainbow Foam Soap Bubbles via Fun At Home With Kids Scooping Shapes Bubble Water Play via Fantastic Fun and Learning 5 Simple Bubble Solution…