3 Meaningful Ways Autistic Children Benefit from Visual Schedules

3 Meaningful Ways Autistic Children Benefit from Visual Schedules

I’ve said it before and honestly, I think it’s worth repeating: we could all do with a little bit of routine and structure.  Autistic children thrive with routines and predictability. As a parent of a non-verbal autistic child, I have learned this first hand. Sometimes the hard way. But it became more of a matter of altering the environment to better work for my daughter. Whether it’s at home or school, my autistic child benefits from visual schedules. And what better way than to use free printables for autistic children to set those schedules up. 3 Meaningful Ways Autistic Children Benefit from Visual Schedules It may seem like common sense. At least for me. I’ve come to know that my daughter is more of a…

How To Help Your Autistic Child with Santa

How To Help Your Autistic Child with Santa

Seeing Santa Claus can be a challenging task for any child. I have several pictures of myself with Santa when I was younger- and in all of them I’m either crying or wiping up tears. For autistic children, seeing Santa Claus can be a downright nightmare. Both for the parents and the child. In fact, Sweet B stopped seeing Santa Claus after she turned 5. Even at school, she just did not like dealing with Santa. It just wasn’t worth the struggle or the meltdown that came with it. But is there a way to make it easier? Here are some tips and advice, along with a free printable letter, for how to help your autistic child with Santa. And if you’re looking for help…

My Manners Printable Pack for Young Children

My Manners Printable Pack for Young Children

I have plans to do a few sets of printable packs based on social concepts. I’ve already done two on feelings and emotions, but I wanted to get into other realms as well. So, to start I’m going to share a printable pack based on manners. It’s something that we’re working on with Squeaker and with Sweet B. With Squeaker, it’s using words like “please, thank you, and excuse me” while with Sweet B, it’s working on sign languages for “please, and thank you”. I think, however, that this free manners flash card set will be useful for both of them.  Tips for Teaching Manners to Younger Kids As a parent, you have a lot of different things to focus on, from making sure they…

Freebie Friday: My Weekly Chores Chart

Welcome back to another Freebie Friday! In keeping with my free printables for autistic children, this week I’m sharing a weekly chores chart printable pack. Sweet B does help around the house and sometimes it helps her to have a visual reminder to keep her on track. Mostly she helps with making her bed, and sorting silverware. We’re slowly adding in more chores and responsibilities for her as she gets older. What you get in the pack: Chore chart (5 day and 7 day version) Chore symbols (sized for 5 day and 7 day versions) You can also use the blank charts to write in chores. While I wouldn’t exactly use these in a visual schedule, you can certainly integrate them into one. For example,…