Paying for college can be a huge source of stress for families. Here are a few ways to create a realistic plan for how to pay for college.

How to Pay for College

Chances are that if you have a son or daughter in their sophomore, junior, or senior year of high school; you’ve had the post-graduation talk. Maybe your child has plans to take a gap year or they want to work right away. Or maybe they value higher education and have plans on attending college. They might be one of the lucky ones and already have been accepted with a slew of scholarships and grants and that’s great. Paying for college can be a huge source of stress for any family. Loans aren’t always ideal but you can come up with an actionable and realistic plan for how to pay for college. There several free ways to find money for college and of course, your child…

Parent’s Guide to PLUS Loans

If you’re a parent of a college bound teenager, chances are likely that you’ve explored all possible options for paying for college. Whether it was looking for free money for college, looking for financial tips for your college student, or looking for advice on how to manage student loans– as parents, we tend to do quite a bit of research. My oldest, V, will not be college bound until next year, but he already has a pretty good plan in place. He wants to attend U.C. Berkeley (Cal) and is working on keeping his grades up so he can be eligible for scholarships. Which is great. Because as a parent, I really don’t want to apply for a PLUS loan. And before you consider applying…

How to Find Free Money for College and Cut Back on College Expenses

How to Find Free Money for College and Cut Back on College Expenses

I did not have a college fund growing up and sometimes I wish I had started saving money as a child. I knew that I wanted to go to college though my choice of major was changing from week to week. It was still something that I could have saved for and maybe I should have saved for. But, not all families are in a situation where they can save for college. That’s why I want to discuss a few ways to find free money for college to help offset this expense. Some ways to save money on college expenses include: attending a state funded school (which means usually getting a tuition discount for being a state resident), and buying used books or renting your…