We all know that toddlers are experts in making a mess. But what about chores? What are some simple chores for a toddler?

Simple Chore Ideas That a Toddler Can Do

We all know that toddlers are certainly capable of making messes and sometimes of epic proportions. I’m sure you’re familiar with the term “toddler tornado” and my Squeaker is no exception. Sometimes, it seems, that she’ll wait until I’m done picking up her toys before she follows my path to recreate the mess. Is this intentional? Perhaps. I’d like to give her the benefit of the doubt. She is still just a toddler, after all, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t help me out a bit. In fact, I was wondering about what chores I could possibly have her do. She does like to help with basic cat care like feeding and brushing. But what else can she do? What are other possible chore…

4 Essential Life Skills to Teach to Your Daughters and Sons

4 Essential Life Skills to Teach to Your Daughters and Sons

When it comes to raising kids with character, we want them to know certain things: How to be respectful How to be responsible But what about being self-sufficient? What are the essential life skills to teach daughters and sons? I am a firm believer that both girls and boys can benefit from certain life skills. Here are just four that are especially important to know. When you are raising a girl (or boy), you want her to be independent and one day able to take care of herself and her own home. To be sure this happens, you should teach her some essential life skills. The following ones are things every girl (and boy) should know how to do. 4 Essential Life Skills to Teach to Girls…

How to Raise Responsible Kids by Giving them Chores

We have covered this topic already in our series of posts about raising kids with character. But I wanted to talk about how to raise responsible kids by giving them chores. Now yes, this was already covered (to an extent) in the practical parent’s guide to raising responsible kids. And, to some extent, in our chore ideas for toddlers. So why cover it again? Because I feel that it’s important. We, as parents, just want to do our best when it comes to raising our kids. Some days we feel like we’ve got this all under control, and other days not so much. When you are raising your kids, you want to show them the right way to do things, teach them important life lessons,…

Why you need to teach your kids to appreciate what they have.

Teaching Your Kids to Appreciate What They Have

When it comes to teaching values and character to children, one way that we (as parents) can do this is by teaching kids to appreciate what they have. One of the ways that we’re teaching character to our child is by teaching her the value of what she has. Though she’s still at a young age, I feel that it’s never too early to start teaching your kids to appreciate what they have. This could be accomplished by teaching them the value of money or serving the less fortunate. There are many other ways to do this, of course. But let’s talk about why it’s important to teach your kids to be appreciative. It’s wonderful when we are able to provide for our children without stress. However,…

3 Ways to Teach Patience to Kids

3 Ways to Teach Patience to Kids

I had started a how-to series, of sorts, about raising kids. But I was never sure as to what I should or could include. Different parenting styles work for different parents, after all. While we may incorporate some aspects of positive or compassionate parenting, that might not work for someone else. Still, I wanted to continue with this series, and talk about how to teach patience to kids. Why? Because it’s important when it comes to raising kids with character. And goes along well with my existing advice and tips for modern day parents. Kids are not the most understanding of beings. They don’t have the capacity in most cases. One virtue that will do them well in life is patience, and here is how…

How to Raise Kids Who Are Grateful and Not Entitled

How to Raise Kids Who Are Grateful and Not Entitled

In a society where there is still an attitude and sense of entitlement, parents may face the difficult task of un-spoiling their children. I admit, as a child, I was probably a little spoiled but my parents also put their foot down on more than one occasion. The lesson stuck and I learned to wait until it was time. I also learned to appreciate what I already had- which was plenty. Now, as a mom, I want to instill those same values of having an attitude of gratitude and earning what you have, and appreciating what you already have. In fact, I’d say that being grateful is a key part of raising kids with character. Here are a few ways to raise grateful kids in…